Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 15, 2019 at 7:00PM
- Mayor Bowsher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Charles Butler – Solicitor
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
- Shawn Clifton – Tax Administrator
Media Present:
- Jeremy Scott – Village Reporter
- Cindy Thiel – Edgerton Earth
Public Present:
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 03.18.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Wallace, Chuck |
Abstain |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2nd |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 04.01.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y 2nd |
Thiel, Dean |
Abstain |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Abstain |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Abstain |
Mayor Lance Bowsher commended the Village crews’ efforts for working together during the power outage. All departments worked together getting the tree cut, cleaned up and power restored to residents as soon as possible last Thursday, April 11, 2019.
Arbor Day Proclamation by Mayor Lance Bowsher – 2 trees will be planted in the Town Hall Park on April 26, 2019 at 10:00 am. Trees will be planted in memory of Duane Suffel, Member of the Edgerton Tree Commission and Dale Mathys, former Village Administrator.
Village Administrator Zach Dohner introduced the discussion of 108 W. Vine Street as it was discussed during the planning commission meeting on April 9, 2019.
Discussion: 108 W. Vine Street, Edgerton OH 43517 – The planning commission approved of the proposed site plan for a Coffee Shop to be located at 108 W. Vine Street, Village of Edgerton, Williams County, Ohio, Parcel #061-280-08-014.00 owned by Shea M and Stephanie S Walkup. Legal Description per property card REPLAT OF LOT #122 BEING ALL OF LOT 122 & PT LOT 123 ORIGINAL PLAT .216A 121-03030-000.
- Motion to approve proposed conceptual site plan engineered by Bockrath & Associates, as submitted by Shea and Stephanie Walkup, for a Coffee Shop to be located at 108 W. Vine Street, Village of Edgerton, Williams County, Ohio, Parcel #061-280-080-014.00 previously approved by Edgerton Planning Commission on 04/09/19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Day, Robert |
Y 2nd |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Discussion: Resolution 2019-002 – ODOT Salt participation agreements and how they have been very advantageous for the village in the past. The Village enters a new agreement each spring. This opportunity provides buying power for multiple smaller entities as they enter this agreement with the State. The State bids out the price for salt per ton over a one year period. The Village has been able to purchase road salt at a significantly lower dollar amount through the State agreement than they could on the open market. Kip Pahl, the Public Works Superintendent, estimated our required amount based on previous year of salt usage. In the 2018/2019 timeframe, the Village was able to purchase salt at $59 per ton through the program according to Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht.
Zach Dohner explained the reason this Resolution needs passed as an emergency is because the Village just recently received it, and the State presented a tight timeline. Zach stated that the information went to previous Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles. Chuck Wallace asked if ODOT has the right contact information now. Zach replied yes. Bob Day asked for the date Dawn received the information. Denise Knecht responded that Dawn received the information on April 5, 2019 and forwarded it to the Village on April 6, 2019. Mayor Bowsher stated that we have to take what we commit to and it’s the same contract as last year.
- Motion to Suspend the Rules for Resolution 2019-002:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2nd |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
- Motion to Pass and Adopt Resolution 2019-002 with amendment “This resolution shall go into immediate effect”:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y 2nd |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Discussion: Ordinance 1036 – Denise and Zach explained that the Village received a PEP+Grant in the amount of $988.96 on 03/28/19 for the purchase of safety signage for the Street Department and we also received an Ohio BWC safety intervention grant for the purchase of rescue equipment in the amount of $40,000.00 on 04/09/19 for the Fire Department. Since there are time restrictions and guidelines with the Ohio BWC Grant, Denise and Zach requested to pass and adopt the following ordinance as an emergency measure so that they may move forward with purchasing the equipment as soon as possible.
Denise requested for an Amended Certificate of Estimated Resourced for 2019 on 04.12.19 from Williams County Auditor Vickie Grimm in the amount of $41,000.00 to increase our estimated revenues for 2019.
Bob Day requested an itemized copy of what the $40,000.00 is being used for. Zach stated once more that I was for the Jaws of Life for the Fire Department, but Denise said she would get council a copy of the invoice from Finley Fire and get it to Council.
- Motion to Suspend the Rules for Ordinance 1036:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y 2nd |
- Motion to Adopt and Pass Ordinance 1036:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y 2nd |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Village Administrator Report, Zachary Dohner
Zach Dohner updated Council on the defibrillators. Zach stated that the office staff had a meeting with a representative from Cintas First Aid/Safety Division. There are two options with defibrillators. They can be purchased out right or leased. If the Village leases the defibrillators, they will service each unit to ensure sure everything is working and in compliance. The Village would pay a monthly fee for each defibrillator and this service. Chuck Wallace asked how soon we would be able to get the defibrillators. Cindy Thiel asked if Cintas will maintain the defibrillators if the Village purchases them. Zach stated yes for a fee. Bob Day commented that if we rent them and something doesn’t work properly it is on Cintas not the Village. Jason Gruver pointed out that we still need a defibrillator policy in place and someone to manage it. Chuck Wallace said he thinks the best place for the defibrillators at the parks are in the concession stands. Jason Gruver explained that a defibrillator will not shock an individual if it does not sense an irregular heart rhythm.
Zach stated that we are still waiting on an estimate from Mesa regarding SCADA.
Zach informed Council that the Village received an Ohio Public Works Grant for Laubach Drive in the amount of $160,000.00 to repair and improve drainage issues at Miller Park. Zach wants to see the decades-long drainage issue taken care as soon as possible. This will help to alleviate some of the drainage issues at Miller Park. Bob Day stated that it looks like we have a drainage issue starting again. Mayor Bowsher reiterated what Zach said and that hopefully this grant will help us with the flooding.
Zach informed Council that the tree cutting and removal by Snyder Tree Service is complete.
Zach asked for input from Council on the lock/security system. Zach explained that there have been multiple issues with Vandalism at Miller Park in the rest rooms, at the concession stand, public restrooms and Munchkin Junction. Zach said if need be he will have to lock the restrooms after employee park hours. Chuck Wallace stated that we used to open them up in the morning and lock them after games and practices at night.
Zach and Denise will be attending a grant funding seminar in West Unity, on May 2, 2019. This will give guidelines, information and dates of OPWC, CDBG, DEFA, OWDA grants that are available.
Zach informed Council that with the wide loads that have come through the Village in past weeks, some signage has been taken down for the State to get the load through safely. Signs are to be put back in place soon.
Zach commended the team effort put forth by the Village crew during our recent power outage.
Fiscal Officer Report, Denise Knecht
Denise Knecht passed around the document regarding the March Financials for Council to review and sign. Denise stated that the revenues are on track. The Village received the real estate settlement for the 1st quarter of 2018 and the fire contracts for the 2nd quarter of the year. Expenses are on track as well.
Denise also sent emails to Council with a copy of a letter from the Board of Elections stating that the terms for Dean Thiel, Chuck Wallace and Mayor Lance Bowsher are due to expire at the end 2019.
Council Discussion
Jackie Perry commended the Village crew for the great work during the power outage. Also she applauded the administration for doing a great job on the grant work.
Jason Gruver gave praise for the good work on the grants along with the work of the Village crews on the recent power outage.
Chuck Wallace stated that we need to get the speed bumps installed and the Village also needs to purchase another set for Miller Park. He stated when some people are leaving the basketball and tennis courts they are driving at a high rate of speed. Mayor Bowsher added that the speed bumps are not expensive to purchase. Chuck also informed Council that people are driving around the speed bumps at Miller Park. He thought maybe we could put up signs to discourage people from driving through the grass.
Chuck informed Council that the ball diamonds at Miller Park and Gerhart Fields have been cut by Perry Excavating. Chuck stated that the Village does not need to worry because Summer Rec. paid to have the work done. Chuck did inform Council that there is an issue with sand blowing out of fields and onto the asphalt because the fence was not put up last year. Mayor Bowsher asked if the netting had all been put up at the park and Chuck responded yes it has.
Chuck asked Zach if Anco Concrete had been contacted. Zach stated that he had not contacted them, he was waiting on Council’s input.
Chuck stated that the Truck Pulls are coming up and wanted to make sure the Village was prepared. Mayor Bowsher stated that Zach will be attending the next Chamber meeting to find out the details for the homecoming. Chuck stated that parking could be an issue.
Chuck suggested that with large trash day coming up we should send letters out to property owners so that they can get rid of excess items setting around their property. Denise asked what kind of letters he was referring to. Denise stated that it is too late to send a mass notice in bills but we could send nuisance letters to the residents in the Village who have excess items on their property. Chuck stated that Oberlins will provide free dumpsters for the scrap metal collection on large trash day. Chuck would like us to get quotes from Edgerton Auto Salvage, Oberlins and Northwest Recycling for the scrap metal we collect on large trash day.
Bob Day wondered how it is handled when a trees on personal property falls and knocks the power out. We have never charged the homeowner for this service. Bob stated he was asking from a cost stand point.
Bob Day asked about non-village employees doing work on Village property. Chuck stated that Edgerton Summer Recreation has insurance. When there is a ball tournament all teams must carry their own insurance. Chuck stated that he usually prepares the fields at Miller Park and Keith Winebar mows. At Gerhart Field, Landen Thiel is hired to prepare the fields.
Bob asked about contact with Jim Walker in Riverbend about the drainage issue. Zach said they made contact today and also found another outlet to work walked the area.
Bob also asked if we could put something in the paper promoting the fact that we are collecting metal for the Baker Family. He also asked if there were any organizations that might volunteer to pick up things for residents who have items to get rid of but don’t have a way to get them to the dumpsters. Mayor Bowsher said he would make a call to an organization that volunteered once before to help out with this.
Bob asked about the fire hydrants that are out of service and what we need to get them up and operating. One of them is in need of a repair kit to be purchased. Jason Gruver added that the feeder line to another hydrant was the wrong size and will probably require digging it up and replacing the line. Zach estimated two blocks would need to be dug up. Jackie Perry suggest we might be able to get a grant for this project. Chuck stated that this is an emergency issue. Chuck also stated that there needs to be a hydrant installed on N. Elm St. between Gas St. and W. River St.
Bob Day asked if the Village has for bids for the water portion of Asset Management yet. Mayor Bowsher is going to be making a call to see if he can get the estimate reduced.
Bob commented on the plans for Oak St. Sidewalk. Bob thinks if we have money in the budget, we should look at putting sidewalks in on N. Ash and W. River. Mayor Bowsher asked if Bob was willing to set that president because it’s always been the resident’s responsibility to have sidewalks installed. Bob said he isn’t worried about that. He stated that he would change the Income Tax Rate from 1% to 1.75%. He wanted to know what is really being done with that money?
Bob asked about the HV system in the Council Room at the Town Hall. Zach stated that there is no warranty. Kip Pahl, Public Works Superintendent got a quote for baseboard heat in the amount of $17,000.00. Bob asked what rooms are affected by this issue. Denise replied the council room, men’s bathroom, women’s bathroom, historical museum, and Edgerton Area Foundation. Zach stated the heaters are working correctly, but the school room is old/non-insulated and basically one wall is a giant window. The heat that is being generated is lost.
Roger Muehlfeld asked if we have a digital copy of the Asset Management Plan. Zach said he could put the Asset Management onto jump drives. Denise commented that certain users can make changes and updates to the plan. Zach stated that he can put the plan on jump drives and then council will have to bring them back in for changes and updates. Bob Day stated that if we have issues down by the river, it should be put higher on the grant list. Jason Gruver commented that if the Village has issues with any item on the Asset Management List, it will increase its priority. Zach informed Council that a new pump has been purchased for the Main Lift Station; due to the recent pump failing. A five gallon bucket for mop heads and shop rags were removed from the pump
Mayor Bowsher informed Council that the next Council Meeting will be a joint meeting with Maple Grove Cemetery.
Jason Gruver suggested a special meeting be scheduled for Council to ask questions regarding the Asset Management Plan and SCADA.
Denise informed Council that the Auditor of State had contacted her regarding the 2018 audit and setting a date.
Chuck informed Council of a big hole in the road at the corner of N. Ash St. and E. Hull St.
- Motion to pay bills 04.01.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2nd |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
- Motion to pay bills 04.15.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Thiel, Dean |
Y 2nd |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
- Motion to adjourn at 8:03PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y 2nd |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |