Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                             Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Absent
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Absent

 4 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator
  • Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant

Media Present:

  • Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth
  • Lucas Bechtol, The Bryan Times

Public Present:

  • Dan Griffin, Edgerton Police Chief
  • John Courtney, Courtney & Associates
  • Scott Wieging, Courtney & Associates


  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 04.06.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                             Y MOTION
VanAusdale, Leslie Y 2ND
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Abs

Motion PASSES 4-0

Courtney & Associates, 2021 Annual Utility Rate Review- John Courtney’s office conducted a rate review on each of Edgerton’s utility services; electric, water, wastewater and storm.


  • projected revenues at current rates exceed near term projected revenue requirements
  • revenues could be reduced by approximately 3%
  • recommend reducing large power rate by $0.01/kWh

Tom Karnes entered at 7:06 pm.


  • projected revenues at current rates exceed near term projected revenue requirements through 2022
  • additional rate increase may be required beyond 2022 due to new debt service requirements
  • recommend addressing future rate increase in conjunction with the 2022 annual utility rate review


  • projected revenues at current rates are NOT sufficient to meet projected revenue requirements
  • revenues would need to be increased by approximately 11% in order to meet the projected 2025 revenue requirements
  • recommend increasing rates by 3% per year effective Jan 1, 2022

Storm Sewer

  • projected revenues at current rates are NOT sufficient to meet the projected revenue requirements
  • revenues would needs to be increased in order to meet the projected 2025 revenue requirements
  • recommend developing rates based on impervious area and phase-in rate increase, as needed, to meet the projected revenue requirements

Police Cruiser Purchase Order– In October of 2020 Council authorized the purchase of a 2020 Ford Explorer AWD Police cruiser From Larkin Greenewood Ford out of Indiana, as part of the 2020 Income Tax Capital budget. The Village is currently still waiting on delivery of the fleet vehicle, and at this time our sales rep is not returning phone calls and continues to extend due dates. The original promised delivery date was December 15, which was moved to March 15, then April 15 and here we are on April 20 without a cruiser. We have been in communication with Statewide Ford Lincoln to purchase a 2021 Ford Explorer interceptor, car only. After the purchase agreement, they can deliver a fleet vehicle in 160 to 180 days, which would be July or August 2021.

In order for us to pursue this vehicle with Statewide Ford Lincoln, Council would need to authorize us to cancel the order with Larkin Ford and enter into a new purchase agreement with Statewide Ford Lincoln for a 2021 Ford Explorer Interceptor at the State of Ohio purchase price in the amount of $33,378.00.

There is a second cruiser in the 2021 budget that can be issued against this appropriation. But if the order from 2020 is canceled and the purchase order closed, and it is councils desire to still purchase 2 cruisers, the money would need to be re-appropriated for 2021.

At this point we are of the opinion that Larkin has no intentions to deliver the fleet vehicle. Fitzcharles has drafted a letter that has been reviewed by Mr Walker and is ready to be sent out first thing Wednesday morning, given Council approval. The letter will cancel the original purchase order for the police cruiser with explanation and reason that the cruiser was not delivered in an acceptable time frame.

Fitzcharles voiced that Statewide Ford is a well-respected dealership that the Village has previously purchased from before and feels confident if we move forward with this entity they will deliver with zero issues. Chief Griffin added that there have been multiple red flags associated with Larkin Greenewood Ford. Accessories purchased for the 2020 cruiser will fit the 2021 Interceptor. Mayor Day added that it is of his opinion that Larkin cannot produce the product for the quoted price and are intentionally putting the Village off in hopes that we will cancel the purchase order. Day agreed with Fitzcharles that going back to Statewide is a smart choice. Griff also has full confidence in Statewide providing the cruiser in the time that they’ve projected.

Chuck Wallace asked what the game plan is to get replacement vehicles taken care of. Griffin said that the intention is to replace the part-time Crown Vic with Steve’s cruiser when he receives a new cruiser. The Crown Vic and the 2010 HEMI will go on the auction block. They don’t want to install a fully integrated laptop system until new cruisers are purchased. Wallace suggested taking both cars to a certified Chrysler dealer to assess which car is in better condition to keep for the part time vehicle.

Fitzcharles stated that if Council supports changing direction and moving forward with Statewide Ford Lincoln, a motion will have to be made to cancel the original purchase order with Larkin Greenewood Ford, as well as a motion to purchase from Statewide Ford Lincoln.

  • Motion to cancel purchase order 2020-00598 issued 10.06.20 for $32,273.00 to Larkin Greenewood Ford Enterprises:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                             Y 2ND
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y MOTION
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

  • Motion to purchase 2021 Ford Interceptor from Statewide Ford Lincoln for $33,378.00:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                             Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y 2ND
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

2021 Arbor Day Proclamation– Mayor Day announced the Village has received recognition as a 30 year Tree City USA member. Edgerton is one of 3600 Tree City USA communities across the US. April 30th, 2021 will serve as Arbor Day and the Village will hold an Arbor Day ceremony where a tree will be planted in the Town Hall Park in memory of Jim Bowsher, a respected community member and long term member of the Edgerton Fire Department. Edgerton Elementary School will participate in the ceremony also.

2021 MARCS Grant Agreement Division of State Fire Marshal – On March 16, 2021 Council accepted a 2021 MARCS Grant from the Ohio Division of the Fire Marshal in the amount of $41,436.12. Following this meeting, Council approved the grant to be appropriated for the expenses.

In June of 2020, Williams County Commissioners announced a site for construction of Williams County’s fourth 180-foot tall, 700/800 MHz Multi-Agency Radio Communication System (MARCS) tower to be located at 13065 County Road D.50, northwest of Bryan. The tower is intended to improve and modernize emergency communication capabilities in Williams County and give the county’s first responders complete coverage via the state-managed, digital radio and data network, which extends across Ohio and a 10-mile radius beyond its borders. In December of 2020 it was announced that ten fire departments in Williams County received a little more than $287,000 in the first round of the 2021 MARCS grant awards. The 10 local fire departments were among 242 fire departments in 46 counties throughout Ohio to receive about $1.5 million in funding in this first round of MARCS grants. The request submitted to you in March for authorization for Edgerton Fire Department to accept was in the amount of $41,436.12, for 15 portable radios, 3 mobile radios and for the fire trucks to be fitted with radios. Since this time, some Fire Departments in Williams County have decided to not move forward with the MARCS system and additional grant funding has become available for our county. The State of Ohio Fire Marshal has awarded us an increase in grant funding of an additional $4,097.37 for three additional portable radios.

Tonight we are asking for Councils to accept the additional grant funds and allow us to appropriate the funds for the Fire Department to expend for the MARCS radio system.

  • Motion to accept the revised 2021 MARCS Grant Award Agreement letter with an increase of $4,097.37 totaling $45,533.49:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                             Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion PASSES 5-0


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1078:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                             Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:

  • Annual Joint Meeting with St Joseph Township Trustees on May 4, 2021 @ 6:50
  • Planning Commission Meeting- Wednesday, April 21st, 2021 @ 6pm to review proposal for lot split on Clarksville Road
  • Park Board Meeting- Wednesday, April 21, 2021 @ 5pm- continuing to plan, develop, promote, bring ideas forward that can be completed at the Park
  • Gerhart Wildcat Field fence- installed ahead of May 1 deadline; looks great!
  • Updating signage for parks, replacing pieces/parts of playground equipment
  • Laubach Dr Project- bid advertisements will run April 22 & 29 in The Bryan Times; bid opening date is May 7, 2021 @ 10am
  • Water Tower Project #1- bid advertisements will run April 29 & May 6 in The Bryan Times; bid opening date is May 14 @ 10am
  • LMI Study- update from MVPO on Monday gave preliminary results that Edgerton community is 43% LMI which is short of the 51% needed to be eligible for funding
  • SCADA- system is functioning; East side connected to water office, West side connected through administration office; working with IT to get piece of equipment that will allow us to see everything from each location. Finance discussion with company gave estimated quote of $1500-$3000 for this piece
  • CHIP (Community Housing Impact & Preservation) – public meeting held last Wednesday at Town Hall was well received; several residents have applied; pre-applications are available in the office and are available to homeowners and landlords.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station– In early 2021, Council gave the approval for the Mayor to look into electric vehicle charging stations and the feasibility of placing a station downtown. Since that time, we have been evaluating the cost, complexity and appropriateness of installing an electric vehicle charging station. Numerous manufacturers including Ford, GM, Chrysler and Nissan have committed to each bringing 10 or more EV models to market in the 2020s. It is important to further strengthen the state network by installing additional stations along U.S. Highways and State Routes, which we are incredibly lucky to have both in Edgerton. The preferred locations are within 20 mile radius of existing infrastructure (Toll Road), have ample parking and are adjacent to restaurants or other amenities. We are currently working to set up an agreement with Powerline Supply and ChargePoint: whom is known for creating the world’s largest EV charging network. They install, operate and maintain charging equipment and software. The goal is to support inter and intrastate travel through our state and community, on routes with high annual average daily traffic and tourism.

The recommendation is to install a level 2 dual-port charger which allows two vehicles to charge at the same time, with roughly a 20 mile range per hour charged. We will be bringing a proposal to the next Council meeting for approval. Day added one of the nice things about the ChargePoint app is that you can map your trip based on locations of charging points. Edgerton would be a logical place to install this station given the lack of charging stations in this area. The biggest benefit would be to the downtown business district as travelers would visit when their vehicles are charging. Anything that could make Edgerton a “destination” is a positive. Questions discussed about the charging station included physical location and cost to install and maintain. After much conversation, the most sensible location is on the north side of the Town Park, and is based on available circuit capacity and the accessibility to place a transformer in this area. We are looking to enter in to a 5 year lease agreement at $2,400 a year. Make ready work would include setting a transformer and pouring a small concrete pad, but there is not a startup fee or cost for the install. Electric superintendent has looked over the specs and is aware of what it will take to install. Council would set the rate to be paid for electric consumption and collect the power sold. ChargePoint will be responsible for monitoring the system, and Powerline Supply would have a response time of 30 minutes if complications arise.

Mayor Update by Robert Day

  • Large trash day- went very well and continues to move in the direction we are going for; wanting to make this a great service for Edgerton residents
  • 4th Friday of the month- ONE large trash item placed at curb in addition to regular trash pickup as part of Republic Service contract; this allows for 12 large items to be removed each year

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • Credit Card Review 03.16-04.15
  • Town Hall purchase agreement with Edgerton Local Schools- annual $15,000 debt payment, one more final payment in April 2022

Council Discussion:

  • Habitat for Humanity- parcel in question has to be put up for bid; Fitzcharles provided parcel lots that are available at other locations; a survey should be completed first and foremost
  • TH3 parking lot- any type of precipitation causes a mess, something should be done to improve this issue as this building brings in a lot of people for basketball games, softball, utility customers, etc.
  • Gerhart St Speed bumps- signs faded, needs freshened up
  • Water plant evaluation- test results for filter test just came in, still waiting for softener test results, will provide to Council a presentation with pictures, results and recommendations
  • Main Lift station dual purpose Generator backup- meeting on Friday with engineer that made recommendation to bring generator and pumps above ground; also has trash catcher/receptacle that should prevent blockage of “flushable” wipes
  • Standing water- sod higher than road and water can’t get in to catch basins in multiple areas in Village
  • Solar field- what is the likelihood of implementing phases for solar power? Fitzcharles stated talks of moving the ball fields to Miller Park would not allow room for a solar field.
  • Gerhart ball fields- if not going to relocate, Wallace suggests that we better figure out something for parking lot


  • Motion to pay bills 04.20.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y 2ND
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

  • Motion to adjourn at 8:46PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y 2ND
Thiel, Dean Abs
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y MOTION
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion PASSES 5-0