Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
August 5, 2019 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Bowsher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegianc
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Charles Butler – Solicitor
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
Media Present:
- Cindy Thiel – Edgerton Earth
- Josh Ewers – Bryan Times
- Jeremy Scott – Village Reporter
Public Present:
- Tom Borck – Poggemeyer Design Group
- Sid Hoover – Poggemeyer Design Group
- Dave Casebere
- Leslie VanAusdale
- John VanAusdale
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 07.15.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
2nd |
Wallace, Chuck |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
Mayor Lance Bowsher welcomed Tom Borck and Sid Hoover with Poggemeyer Design Group as they were present to discuss the Asset Management and General Plans.
Poggemeyer Design Group: Asset Management and General Plan Discussion
Tom Borck opened discussion topics ranging from what the Asset Management Plan does in contrast to the General Plan; identifying the different components and distinctions of the plans. Tom also touched on the reasons to have a General Plan and why it would be beneficial for the Village of Edgerton.
Sid Hoover gave further insight into the Asset Management Plan by discussing how it is now an EPA requirement and also the three areas the plan covers; managerial, technical and financial. Further, Sid touched on how the Asset Management Plan provides an analysis of the individual components of a system/utility, and aims to assist in capital improvement decision making for projects. The criticality is based on recommended useful life, current condition and the amount of repairs to the specific asset. Sid noted that Edgerton has currently paid for an Asset Management Plan and GIS System for their water distribution system.
Tom Borck then began conversation on the General Plan; stating that this plan compared to the Asset Management Plan gives a holistic look at the distribution system of the Village. Tom explained how the General Plan is modeled around the needs of the Village and is completely flexible. This means there are times that it is more beneficial for the entity utilizing their General Plan to not look holistically, but at individual or multiple assets identified in the Asset Management Plan. Tom used the reference of maintenance of a vehicle. For example, if a car has a broken transmission, do you replace the whole car or replace the transmission only? There are several items to consider such as the age and current condition of the car. But, if the car has a flat tire, is it more beneficial to replace the tire or the whole car? This is how the General Plan would function. Tom furthered this example by stating that the General Plan looks at all components and gives recommendations. This is essential information for Funding Agencies that require the General Plan for their funding opportunities.
Sid Hoover then proceeded to show sample packets and discuss examples of two Villages whom utilized their General Plans differently but both were effective.
Tom Borck then began to comment on the age/usefulness of the General Plan along with what funding agencies require a General Plan. The General Plan has the capabilities to give a 10-40 year outlook and again looks at the big picture rather than singular assets. The specific funding sources that do require a General Plan are DEFA with the EPA, USDA, OWDA and more. Sid commented that most funding agencies want to see a General Plan.
Village Administrator Zach Dohner further commented that from the information presented to him through Poggemeyer these past months, he sees the General Plan as an appropriate way to be in compliance with funding agencies. Also, this may serve as an investment to provide avenues for large amounts of funding sources; rather it be 0% interest loans or grants.
Councilman Bob Day commented that the Village has committed the Asset Management Plan to specifically water distribution, and then asked if the General Plan is the same way. Tom Borck responded that the General Plan is done separately to specific distribution systems like the Asset Management Plan. Bob then commented that he sees the General Plan as a potential step back and that the Village needs to look at current situations now. Bob backed his statements saying that he “feels like it is slow” and if these projects are so urgent “why hasn’t anything been done.” Bob then questioned the cost of the General Plan. Tom Borck commented that the Village’s General Plan for water distribution would be just under $15,000, and the average price is roughly $15,000 – $25,000. Tom followed by stating Edgerton’s cost is lower due to the current status of the Asset Management Plan.
Mayor Bowsher asked if there were any more questions and as there were none, thanked Tom and Sid for coming.
- Motion to enter into executive session for the employment and compensation of public employee/employees @ 7:30 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Day, Robert |
2nd |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
Before discussion, Bob Day commented that maybe Council, the Mayor, Solicitor, Fiscal Officer and Village Administrator should move to the Mayor’s office for discussion so the guests do not have to get up. Therefore, the previously listed individuals went to the Mayor’s office for discussion.
- Motion to exit executive session @ 8:05 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
2nd |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
Action taken: Items listed below on 1) and 2)
- Motion to adopt updated job descriptions for Clerk and Administrative Assistant on 08.05.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Thiel, Dean |
2nd |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Motion passed 5-0
- Motion to approve the job advertisement for a full time Office Administrative Assistant:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
2nd |
Wallace, Chuck |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
Discussion Resolution No 2019-006: Village Administrator Zachary Dohner opened the discussion stating that this is the 2nd reading for Business Alley West. He is seeking authorization to participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Programs and execute contracts.
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
2nd |
Day, Robert |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht presented Ordinance No. 1039 for the adjustment of salaries and wages for Village Employees due to the updated job descriptions and Police Department wage/salary adjustments.
- Motion to suspend the three reading rule for Ordinance No. 1039:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Day, Robert |
NO |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
2nd |
4-1 Motion passed
- Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1039:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
2nd |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
Administrator Update by Village Administrator Zach Dohner:
Zach began by congratulating everyone involved with Homecoming on a job well done; stating he has heard nothing but great things. These comments extended to warm welcomes to having the Truck Pulls back, along with comments from pullers that it is the best track they have pulled on this year. In total, 1550 bracelets were sold to get into the pulls and there were a total of 107 pullers.
Next, Zach gave an update on the electric team’s efforts to clean up the easements of tree limbs to ensure access to electric lines in emergencies would be clear. This involved using heavy equipment; which has caused yard ruts. Zach stated he has communicated with his team to ensure that these ruts are taken care of.
Councilman Chuck Wallace intervened stating there is an obvious lack of communication between Zach and the Village Team. Chuck questioned whether or not property owners were made aware that the electric team would be coming to take down trees on private property. Chuck also commented that this is completely unacceptable and asked Zach why we are doing this to households without their permission. Chuck further went on to comment that there is a specific property he is referencing that Zach knows what he is talking about. He stated the electric team went back without permission on private property and cut up trees that were not in the right of way and the limbs were not in the power lines. Chuck wanted to know why they were trimmed if they were not in the lines, who is taking care of the stumps, and that he has pictures to prove the tree limbs were not in the lines.
Zach followed up with the statement of “Let me tell you and everyone else what actually happened.” The Village team has been working together to alleviate the possibilities of power outages due to tree limbs making contact with electric lines. Street department employees have been aiding as a team to help eliminate the hazard. Troy and Trevor were working in a utility easement, which extended 16 feet in total that the Village has the right to maintain, not a right of way. Right of ways deal directly with transportation, not utilities. Therefore, the trees and fence are located in a utility easement, which the Village has rights to maintain. The tree and fence that was removed at the specific property Chuck referenced was about 4-5 feet away from the powerlines; in our easement. Also, Zach questioned Chuck because he personally saw the limbs in the trees. Once Zach learned the homeowner was not contacted by Troy that they were trimming, he personally walked to their home, knocked on their door and discussed the scenario. They appreciated the information and understood the situation; just wishing that it wouldn’t happen. Zach explained that the electric team needs easy access to their lines in any weather condition. Zach also stated that he would work with the homeowners when they want to build a fence outside the easement to ensure they have the privacy they desire.
Zach continued his update discussing how he and Mayor Bowsher met with Habitat for Humanity prior to the meeting to discuss donating some Village land, behind TH3 on Oak Street, for a Habitat Home. Zach and Lance commented that the land is a perfect location for the home and currently is not being utilized. Lance backed the statement saying it would not be used for anything in the near future. Discussion was opened to for Council and all were in favor.
Lastly, Zach wanted to announce Fireman James Bowsher’s Retirement after 37 years of service on the Edgerton Fire Department, and ultimately thank him for his service.
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- July 2019 Financials – Council was asked to sign that they had received an email with June 2019 Financial Reports and to contact us if there are any questions.
- July Credit Card Review (Statement period June 16, 2019 to July 15, 2019) – In the absence of Council President Jason Gruver, Mayor Lance Bowsher signed to Credit Card Review form and statements were review by the other Council Members present.
Items of Discussion by Council:
- Jackie Perry: Congratulated Jim Bowsher on his retirement and thanked him for 37 years of service
- Chuck Wallace:
- Questioned how much of Ash Street the Village owns. Zach commented that he would have to look into it. Chuck furthered the conversation stating he wants to know if the Village owns down to the River because he would like to utilize that area for kayaking/canoeing launch site. Zach and Denise questioned Village liability to Mr Butler.
- Pond Aerators: Chuck wanted to know if anyone but him noticed the algae in the pond. Chuck asked Zach if they are working properly. Zach responded he would ask Kip.
- Laubach Drive Improvement Project: Chuck wanted to add curbs to the street project. Zach informed Chuck that this project does not include any road work, only storm. He questioned what it would take to add curbs, and Zach informed Chuck that it would change the scope of the project.
- Sacher Street: Chuck commented that he had not heard from Zach in two months over the curb conversation they had after one council meeting and wanted to know the status of completion. Zach said there was no movement due to other projects Village wide pulling all hands on deck. Chuck commented that Zach said this is not a priority, and Zach responded that he never said that, but currently it is lower on the list of items to take care of.
- Bob Day:
- Mary’s School Tile: Bob questioned what the status is on the St. Mary’s School Tile. Zach started by commenting that he saw Bob down there and hoped he saw how full the tile is of sand, debris and tree roots ranging from small to larger than half dollars. Lance and Zach furthered the conversation stating that the Village has helped in ample manners to help alleviate the school of their issue. This ranged from not only several days and a lot of hours of employee time on the site, but utilizing the Village’s camera, locator, vacuum truck and more. Zach touched on working with the school’s hired contractor to even have the school tie into the Village’s catch basin so if there are issues again, the Village can assist easier.
- Crane Street House Trailer: Bob questioned Zach on the status of the trailer being scrapped/tore down. Zach commented that he has tried working with the source Chuck provided, but has not made any movement at this time. This is looking like it is going to have to be contracted out.
- Fuel: Bob Day questioned Denise how Fuel was accounted for and also questioned if the Village utilizes Marathon’s loyalty program to receive cash back. Denise informed Bob that we use all providers in the Village for fuel and that our credit card policy does not allow for perks.
- Jim Walker Residence/Drainage: Bob wanted to ensure communication is being made with Jim on status updates on his property situation.
- Empty Swings @ Miller Park: Bob questioned why there are missing swings at Miller Park. Zach commented that recently when a valuation and inspection of property was completed for insurance purposes, the Village was told that the swings are not in compliance.
- Lynn and Locust High Weeds: Bob questioned an update on when those lots are going to be mowed, and requested the Village look at their processes to get these lots mowed faster.
- Motion to pay bills for 07.01.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
2nd |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed
- Motion to adjourn @ 8:41 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
2nd |
Thiel, Dean |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
5-0 Motion passed