Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 18, 2019 @7:00PM
- Mayor Bowsher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
- Other Village Representatives present
- Charles Butler – Solicitor
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
- Shawn Clifton – Income Tax Clerk
- Media
- Lucas Bechtal, Bryan Times
- Jeremy Scott, Village Reporter, entered at 7:10pm
- Public
- Sid Hoover, Poggemeyer Design Group
- Tom Borck, Poggemeyer Design Group
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 02.04.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y Second |
Day, Robert |
Y Motion |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Mayor Lance Bowsher: Introduced Sid Hoover and Tom Borck from Poggemeyer Design Group
Sid Hoover: explained that the reason the Water side of Asset Management has taken so long is that the EPA Guidelines passed in Ohio Senate Bill 2 which came out in November 18, 2018 mid-way through having the Asset Management project done. So Poggemeyer incorporated the EPA Guidelines in the Asset Management system.
Sid Hoover: commented he and Tom and have visited the water plant several times to do Inventory and Evaluation of assets.
Sid Hoover:ommented that there are two sides to the Water Asset Management Project. There is Distribution and the Water Plant.
Tom Borck: explained that the Asset Management is really a push to water systems to plan for repairs before they become emergencies.
Mayor Bowsher: ask if this system is user friendly? He also asked if there would be extensive training for the Village employees on how to operate the system?
Sid Hoover: responded yes that he could set training up for the employees.
Zach Dohner: asked if we were to have a water main break, would the Village employees be able to enter it into the system or would the Village send the information to Poggemeyer to have it documented.
Tom Borck: stated that it depended on how the Village wants to handle this. The Village employees can document or it can be sent to Poggemeyer to document for a minimal fee. He stated that he thinks the licensing fee with be charged annually. There will be a training and the Village can update it.
Denise Knecht: asked how often we would receive updates.
Tom Borck: said that Poggemeyer can work with us on that. He stated that the Village employees could eventually update the system themselves and that the employee could also have access in the field. He also stated that the GIS is a data warehouse.
Tom Borck: stated that the final part of the water portion of the Asset Management Project is looking at the GIS and Water Plant ranking in regard to the current water funds.
Tom Borck: commented about that the water treatment improvements; for instance the water towers; Council needs to start thinking about coating replacement, waxing and polyurethane based paint of the water towers. Tom said on the Water Distribution System the amount of water loss looks good and the system is looped well, there are some small bottle necks but not too bad; such as 6 mains connected with a 4’ going to a 6’ again.
Tom Borck: then discussed a couple options for financing the upgrades or replacement to the Water System. The first is OPWC and the other is WSRLA Ohio EPA Revolving loan fund which is at a rate of 1.67% for twenty year term on loans.
Sid Hoover: stated that the nominations for the WSRLA list begin the first of March, 2019. Funds can be aligned between both.
Tom Borck: stated that the Asset Management will provide a picture of what needs attention. Tom stated that when a plant gets to be the age of the Villages we would often do a General Plan which evaluates options for the Village and is an option in the future. Tom stated that to build a new plant it is at least a 5 year process. He commented to replace in kind does not need EPA approval.
Bob Day: asked what their final conclusion for our plant is?
Tom Borck: stated that he would recommend doing a General Plan for more information on the repair process and to figure out if it makes more sense to do several projects at the same time or whether to do them separately.
Bob Day: stated that right now our plant is roughly fifty-three years old. Do water plants last eighty years?
Tom Borck: replied yes. He stated that our system has been well taken care of but does have antiquated components. Again he suggested that the next step is to do a General Plan.
Mayor Bowsher: told Sid Hoover and Tom Borck thank you for coming and presenting the Asset Management Project.
Tom Borck: added if anyone has questions please let them know.
Zach Dohner: told Sid and Tom that he would be in touch and thanked them.
- Motion to Waive the Three Readings (Ordinance 1034):
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y Second |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y Motion |
- Motion to Pass and Adopt (Ordinance 1034):
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y Motion |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y Second |
Zach Dohner: explained the reasons for the following motions. David from Ohio Public Entities Pool recommended these updates to our personnel policies.
Chuck Wallace: asked when a personal vehicle would be used.
Denise Knecht: replied for instance if the Village vehicle is being used by Zach to go to AMP and Amanda is reading meters or Village employees are going to a Black Swamp meeting they may need to use their own personal vehicles.
Chuck Wallace: said he knew that personal vehicles were used more before we purchased the Village vehicle.
Jackie Perry: asked if the changes to the personnel Policies and procedures had already been made because she felt like Council should have the updates in writing for them to see before they voted. Jackie asked if these were just amendments that will be made to the Employee Policy and Procedures and was told yes.
- Motion to Update Personnel Policies and Procedures: Annual Check of the Motor Vehicle Records for Individuals Who Operate Village Vehicles
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y Second |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y Motion |
Jason Gruver: asked if there is a committee to review the Employee Policy and Procedures Manual.
Denise Knecht: replied last time it was updated there were department heads, a council member on the committee.
- Motion to Update Personnel Policies and Procedures: Verification of Automotive Insurance for Individuals Who Drive Personal Vehicles for Village Business
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y Motion |
Perry, Jackie |
Y Second |
Administrator Update:
Zach Dohner: shared that there will be a Planning Commission meeting on Thursday, Feb 28, 2019 at 6:00pm to discuss the coffee shop plans.
Zach commended the Village employees on the job they done during the ice storm. The Street Dept. will be picking up brush as the weather permits.
Zach updated Council that he is working on scheduling a Village wide planned electric outage on June 1, 2018 at 1:00am to replace a 69kv switch and a check will be done at the substation as well. Troy is communicating with AMP to see if they can operate the generators for residents only.
Zach stated that the Electronic Waste drop off day will be April 27, 2019 and the Large Trash drop off will be on May 4, 2019.
Zach shared that the Smoke Alarm Blitz flyers will be going out once they are personalized with the Edgerton Information.
Zach and Denise Knecht met with Tim Bock from Poggemeyer Design Group. Council will need to decide what to do with the water line locations. Tim would like to come and walk East and West Hull Street with Council to get everyone’s opinion on the project. A special meeting will be called in order to do this.
Bob Day: responded the sooner the better.
Zach Dohner: will get into contact with Tim Bock to set the date.
Bob Day: commented on the drawing. First the Village talked about expanding the width of the road and then the Village thought we needed curbs and now we are back to no curbs. This whole things feels too inconsistent.
Mayor Bowsher: stated that he felt walking Hull Street with Tim would be helpful because Council’s questions could be addressed.
Jason Gruver: stated that Hull Street will need to be raised considerably.
Zach Dohner: Tim is willing to address any questions Council may have about the Hull Street Project as a group or one on one.
Fiscal Officer Update:
Denise Knecht: passed around the credit card statements for Council to review.
Denise stated that Crystal Meyer from Northern Buckeye Insurance will attend the March 18, 2019 meeting to answer any questions Council may have regarding the Village employee health insurance.
Denise shared that Scott Blue informed her that the Fire Department had received a $40,000.00 grant for new jaws-of-life equipment.
Bob Day: stated that if Crystal Meyer is coming to talk about the insurance she really doesn’t need to come. He said he had done his homework and is satisfied with the price being paid for insurance.
Denise Knecht: commented that Crystal Meyer from Northern Buckeye should still come because we have a lot of new employees that could benefit from her presentation.
Bob Day: stated that he is more interested in the Village policies for insurance and HSA.
Council Discussion:
Bob Day: commented that he felt the Council should sit down collectively to discuss the Asset Management Project. He didn’t feel the numbers presented were scary.
Mayor Bowsher: stated that he agreed the number were not scary.
Bob Day: asked about the two to three percent that rotates between the Water and Sewer Departments.
Denise Knecht: explained that the rotating percentage only lasted until January 18 and that time has ran out.
Bob Day: stated he thought it was five years; the rotating percentage
Jackie Perry: stated that she suggested a shorter period three years of time because things like interest rates could change.
Bob Day: stated that he doesn’t want to raise the water rates and then in a few years go back to the public to build a new water plant. He feels we need to have some money set aside for this kind of project. Bob would like to see the Water-Wastewater be the next phase of the Asset Management Project.
Bob Day: asked about the Villages ability to run the generators located at Industrial Drive. He was told the Village Electric Dept. does not operate the generators.
Mayor Bowsher: informed him that in the case of a tornado or something of the sort, we would call AMP right away and they would send someone to Edgerton to operate the generators.
Zach Dohner: this is a common misconception; AMP is in charge of the generators. It is part of Joint Venture 2 (JV2). Troy Nihart and Trevor Lawson do monthly checks and that’s all.
Bob Day: stated that if the Village isn’t interested in Herman Park (old road side rest located east of Edgerton on US Route 6) that is now closed to the public. Edgerton Development would be interested.
Mayor Bowsher: stated that he knew of no reason the Village would be interested in the property.
Bob Day: asked if we have items such as durapatch and other items on hand? He also asked what were are doing about the railroad property as far as weeds.
Zach Dohner: stated that Kip Pahl, Public Works Superintendent has already purchased a pallet of cold mix.
Mayor Bowsher: stated that the railroad will not allow us on their property.
Bob Day: asked if we still mow the approaches to town.
Bob Day: asked if the HV system in the Council room is still a problem.
Zach Dohner: stated that Kip Pahl, Public Works Superintendent and the guys are looking into it.
Bob Day: asked if we still have leverage with the company we purchased the system from?
Denise Knecht: commented that Kip has a temperature gun that is used find temperatures by pointing and clicking.
Bob Day: this HV system cost too much money to not be working properly.
Chuck Wallace: asked Charles Butler, Village Solicitor where we were with the Miller Park wooded area that was bequeathed to the Village. Charles stated there must have been a miscommunication between himself and Zach. Charles stated that he had not researched this issue.
Zach Dohner: stated that he reached out to Council and didn’t get a response to have Charles Butler look into it. Zach stated that he went to the Recorders office and spent one to one and a half hours there looking for the original plat and didn’t find anything. The Recorder recommended the Village Solicitor Look into it.
Bob Day: stated that he thought the Village had added woods.
Zach Dohner: stated that of the original amount of land donated to the Village was 40 acres and 5 acres needed to remain wooded.
Charles Butler: stated he would do a title search and get the information needed.
Chuck Wallace: stated that he knows Council has discussed the need for defibrillators at Miller Park and Gerhart fields.
Mayor Bowsher: asked Zach to contact Jim Hicks at Williams County EMS to find out prices.
Denise Knecht: suggested these be stored in the concession stand during the season.
Bob Day: asked if they could be mounted outside?
Jackie Perry: stated that they do not do well when exposed to the elements.
Jason Gruver: stated that when the season is over the defibrillators need to be brought inside.
Jackie Perry: commented that pediatric pads need to be bought along with adult pads.
Chuck Wallace: asked about the old mill on Depot St. The owner wants to use it for personal storage but it is zoned commercial. Can it be zoned residential?
Chuck also commented on the EPA stipulation that there is to be no chemicals used on any property within the three hundred foot radius of the water wells. He stated his Mom owns property within the radius and he knows chemicals have been used on her property.
Zach Dohner: informed Council that he just mailed out a letters asking residents in and around the radius to refrain from using chemicals on their properties per EPA code and OAC.
Chuck Wallace: asked how the Village was going to police that.
Zach Dohner: responded that we can’t police it the only thing we can do it ask them not to use chemicals on their properties and let them know if they do they are going against EPA regulations. Zach stated it would ultimately affect the Village and Village taxpayers if the Village is fined.
Denise Knecht: remembers letters being sent out to residents asking them to please not use fertilizer on their properties.
Zach Dohner: stated he and Kip are looking into purchasing well head protection signs for the surrounding areas.
Chuck Wallace: stated that a couple of the groups the Village had told they needed proof of liability insurance to use the gym had went to the school and the school agreed to let them use their facilities to practice and they didn’t need to provide proof of insurance.
Chuck also asked how the insurance works when St. Mary’s has a tournament in the gym. What about all the people coming to watch the event? Are they covered?
Mayor Bowsher: stated St. Mary’s policy covered everyone at the event.
Chuck Wallace: stated that he thought about what Bob said at a prior meeting regarding why we need to have the extra liability coverage for events.
Bob Day: stated we don’t have to require the extra layer of coverage but the Village has decided to require proof of insurance.
Mayor Bowsher: Denise helped with this when you reviewed. Russ Davies from Andres, O’Neil and Lowe Insurance Agency stated that this is common practice when we had him here. We are doing this to protect the Village and our valued tax payers. The schools can do what they would like, but we will require insurance.
Chuck Wallace: asked who covers the Village parking lot north of the Town Hall when there is a softball game going on?
He also asked about the Summer Lunch Program and who holds the insurance on it?
Denise Knecht: responded NOCAC insurance covers the program.
Chuck Wallace: then asked about the signs that were put in the hallway down by the gym. He wanted to know who agreed to the key fob and security cameras being purchased. He stated that as far as he knows Council didn’t. Chuck asked if Zach purchased something without them knowing. Chuck stated that the signs say we have purchased security cameras.
Zach Dohner: informed Chuck that no decisions had been made about the fob and security cameras and that is not what the signs say. Zach stated that the signs say we are in the beginning process of purchasing key fobs and security cameras.
Zach said when you look at the gym schedule and nobody is on the calendar but there are people in there practicing this is an issue. When you have an individual show you the key that was duplicated that was stamped do not duplicate this is an issue. We are just trying to figure this all out so that people are adhering to the rules. There is a key issue and we want all involved protected and following the rules.
Chuck Wallace: stated that he doesn’t like scare tactics.
Zach Dohner: stated there is no scare tactics. This is an issue with keys that needs resolved.
Jason Gruver: asked what the Council thought about security in the administrative office, cameras or remodel?
Jackie Perry: commented that the Village needs to look at the outdoor entrances.
Jason Gruver: stated that it makes no sense to change the key on one door if the rest are not changed.
Jackie Perry: asked about getting a cost proposal for the outside doors and the double doors.
Bob Day: stated he would like prices for fobs and keys.
Zach Dohner: stated that keys can be duplicated even when the original is stamped do not duplicate; fobs would be better.
Bob Day: asked if it was possible to give people access to the front door and they would have to walk through the building if they need to have the back door opened.
Jason Gruver: asked for an update on the trees that still need to be cut.
Zach Dohner: spoke to the tree service and they are to be in next week to cut the rest of the trees.
Zach also informed Council he is waiting on a call from Mike Perry at SCADA.
Jackie Perry: commended the Electric Dept. for getting the power restored as quickly and all the branch cleanup after the ice storm. She also commended Scott Blue for obtaining the grant for the Fire Dept.
- Motion to pay bills 02.18.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y Motion |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y Second |
- Motion to adjourn at 8:43 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y Second |
Day, Robert |
Y Motion |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |