Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM


  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 5:03PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent


  • Roll Call:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


4 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Charles Butler – Solicitor
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
  • Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant
  • Kip Pahl- Public Works Superintendent
  • Troy Nihart- Electric Superintendent

Media Present:

  • Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth

Public Present:

  • None


  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 02.03.20 :

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


VanAusdale, Leslie

Y Motion

Thiel, Dean

Y 2nd

Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion passes 4-0


Mayor Day welcomed Troy Nihart, Electric Superintendent and Kip Pahl, Public Works Superintendent to the meeting to discuss SCADA with Council.

  • Troy began informing council of the benefits of monitoring the electric programs and equipment. SCADA would include 24/7 monitoring of voltage, current, transformers, and could notify of oil leaks, battery status, line outages, etc..
  • Response time would be much quicker, easier to identify a problem since we only have 2 electric employees in the department.
  • Millions of dollars’ worth of equipment is worth protecting.
  • Could help answer questions when isolated outages occur after hours
  • Should get the ball rolling on making decisions as soon as possible if we want to get it done this year, can’t just assume contractors have time.

Leslie asked if there was a quote that broke down specifically what it would cost for the electric department to be monitored. Zach didn’t have quotes in front of him but explained we are able to go as complex or as basic as we would prefer. Leslie wants to make sure Troy feels whatever system we get that it meets his needs. Mayor Day expressed his thoughts that SCADA would be as if we have “another employee” watching over our systems at all times.

  • Kip said SCADA has 2 different kinds of systems, alarm and control. Right now, we need an adequate alarm system to have instant information if something goes wrong.
  • Kip agreed with Troy that there are tremendous benefits of being able to have an alert sent to your phone when a problem arises. As of right now the Village is at the mercy of a resident calling in if a light or alarm is seen or heard on the lift stations. Quick response time to a lift station issue is crucial to avoid overflow due to pump failure.
  • We check each location daily but we can’t monitor everything 24/7, knowing of an issue ahead of time would make it easier to keep things running smoothly
  • Very important to have 24 hour local coverage with the company of choice, so if something goes wrong with the SCADA system, we have a contact to ensure system reliability in the event of an issue

 Zach discussed a challenge with SCADA will be deciding between fiber and radio frequency. Metalink is currently ran throughout the Village, so extending fiber to the lift stations may be an option. Butler spoke claiming that he doesn’t remember all of the details but our contract with Metalink may already include fiber service to the Village through our pole attachment contract. He informed Mr Dohner that he should look into the contract, and that Mr Butler could go over it as well.

 Dean Thiel stated we need to move forward with SCADA quickly. Leslie VanAusdale questioned how to move forward with the process. Due to the cost of the system being over $50,000, it would require the bid process. Mr Butler mentioned that he would work with Zach on setting specs and bid requirements.

 Kip and Troy were each asked to put a list together of specific items they would like monitored and start gathering quotes. Then Zach will work with Charles to begin process of advertising for bids. Kip and Chuck agreed that it would be in our best interest to try to work with the same company as the City of Bryan, as they seemed very happy with their system during our visit to view their equipment.

 Next discussion topic was the backhoe.

Kip brought up all of the tasks the backhoe is used for including salt loading, stone/dirt movement, snow removal, street clean up, water main repairs, meter pit installations, sewer system and storm repair, compost, lagoon and park maintenance, burials at the cemetery, large trash day.

Redline’s maintenance quote did not include additional issues on the backhoe repairs including the 4WD, electrical, rear main seal leak, tires, rust, 4 in 1 bucket, hydraulic lines, drivers side front wheel seal leak, pins & bushings.

On the quote for a new backhoe that Kip provided, State purchasing gives a 37% discount, plus an additional $4,000. Using our buckets would save another $3,700 totaling $54,371 in savings. Then we have the option of trading the 20 year old backhoe in for roughly $10,000 or selling it online through an auction, as we have with previous pieces of equipment, in hopes of gaining $15,000-$20,000. At that point a $126,000 piece of equipment would then become a $68,000 machine.

 Chuck Wallace stated he’s having a hard time spending the money on a backhoe after having to come up with money for Hull St Projects. The backhoe is said to be unsafe but it is still being used. So how unsafe is it? If it is capable of being used through the end of this year, would it make sense to fix the issues and save that $68,000 this year?

 Kip commented that after a while you have to make the decision to keep putting money into something or move forward. It’s important to put money back into your assets to keep things going. Bob Day questioned if leasing was an option. Kip had a meeting with ODOT and is going to look into a state leasing program. However, it may not include state purchase pricing. Mayor Day suggested tabling the backhoe decision so the absent council members have a chance to give their input. Mayor Day would like to see figures on leasing and consider a possibility of starting a rotation of equipment.

 Troy informed Council that the electric department has been working on LED upgrades throughout the Village, and the cost was lower than what he originally intended, so he is planning to use remaining capital to upgrade street lighting at Maple Lane Addition, and a couple other places in town. Then the Village will be converted to LED lighting entirely.

 Kip and Troy were thanked for coming and exited at 5:41pm.


Meeting with Poggemeyer: Zach and Bob met with Tim Bock, Engineer and Jack Jones, principle owner of Poggemeyer Design Group and had a really good discussion on East and West Hull St and Laubach Dr Projects. The scope of both projects were explained.

Mayor Day said the underdrains were no longer necessary due to curbs being taken out of the engineered project. The thickness of the asphalt is able to be reduced after proper testing was completed. Bob asked Poggemeyer if compensation was a possibility. They agreed to a 15% discount ($6,000) if the Village would authorize PDG to engineer the Laubach Dr Project. Mr Day feels that was done in good faith.

 Councilman Wallace suggested we reach out to other design firms on future projects to make it more competitive.


  • Motion to allow the Village Administrator to execute a contract with Poggemeyer Design Group for the Laubach Dr Project:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  

Y 2nd

VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck

Y Motion

Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


 Motion passes 4-0


Discussion: Zach informed council underdrains are designed for curbs as they allow water to escape underneath the curb. With the removal of the curbs, the underdrains are no longer necessary.
Roger asked if Poggemeyer explained why this wasn’t brought up when the Village was looking to cut costs and then when it was imperative to come up with extra money. It was stated that there could have been better communication with Tim.

  • Motion to eliminate underdrains for the East/West Hull St Improvement Project to reduce the cost by $27,080.00, per the recommendation of Poggemeyer Design Group:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


VanAusdale, Leslie

Y Motion

Thiel, Dean

Y 2nd

Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion passes 4-0


Discussion: Poggemeyer originally presented information that if the soil tests on East/West Hull St scored poorly, they wanted to ensure the strength of the road would be adequate. Now that those tests results have been received, the soil integrity was found to be strong enough to allow the elimination of the intermediate base and thicken the asphalt.

Mr Butler expressed concern about Bryan Excavating being aware of the financial savings. Mayor Day relayed that Poggemeyer had contacted the bid winner and notified them of the change and they were fine with the adjustment. Denise asked Zach to contact Tim to determine a detailed breakout of East and West Hull St after the underdrains were removed and the thickness reduced. 

  • Motion to reduce thickness of pavement for the East/West Hull St Improvement Project to reduce the cost by $38,320.00, per the recommendation of Poggemeyer Design Group:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  

Y Motion

VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck

Y 2nd

Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion passes 4-0

Discussion: We need to enter a Then and Now Purchase Order against the 2020 Budget for tree trimming services that were completed by Asplundh in November of 2019. Although we had the money in place in 2019, the purchase order has since been closed. Since the invoice #77M06719 is dated 11/8/2019, which is prior to the newly entered purchase order date of 02/11/2020, Council approval is required for payment of this item.

  • Motion to request permission to pay invoice #77M06719 that was missed in November of 2019 to Asplundh Tree Experts in the amount of $4,183.20 by Then and Now Purchase Order #2020-00121:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


VanAusdale, Leslie

Y Motion

Thiel, Dean

Y 2nd

Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion passes 4-0

Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:

  • The Garland Company came in and walked through TH3 to assess issues in the building with moisture, inside/outside walls, brick, etc. Figures and recommendations will be sent and reviewed.
  • Laubach Drive Project– Spoke with Donna at OPWC and explained our current situation with Poggemeyer. If an extension is needed, we should let her know. Bid advertising date is currently set for March 31.
  • Met with Joey Boston at Efficiency Smart to discuss lighting projects
  • Office has been working on getting information to John Courtney for Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer rate study
  • Jolene Thompson is new President, CEO of AMP

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • We have received Codified replacement pages from Walter Drane and will be seeking approval by Ordinance at the next meeting on March 2nd
  • Credit Card Review 01.15.20-02.15.20; ready for review by Council to be signed by Council President
  • 2019 Hinkle Notes and annual financial statement were reviewed and sent back by Cindy McCafferty from LGS; a few small adjustments need to be made and then will be ready for submission to the state before the deadline at the end of February.


Council Discussion:

  • Leslie VanAusdale made some phone calls to surrounding communities inquiring on objectives for committees; unable to get answers beyond what she is already aware of. Important detail is to be sure to give notice to Amanda so she is able to get meeting information on the sign in front of the office and give proper notice to Council members and the newspapers.
  • Chuck Wallace feels since the Village is asking residents to be energy efficient and upgrade to LED lighting, we should start in house with the lighting in the TH3 gym, offices, and council room; update lighting to LED in rooms and departments that are used often and start helping ourselves be cost effective
  • Wallace also stated cold patch needs to be placed in front of the Funeral Home on E Hull St since that is a business that has regular traffic of people walking in and out.



  • Motion to pay bills for 02.20.20:

Muehlfeld, Roger

Y Motion

VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean

Y 2nd

Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion passes 4-0


  • Motion to adjourn at 6:12 PM:

Muehlfeld, Roger

Y 2nd

VanAusdale, Leslie

Y Motion

Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion passes 4-0




__________________                        _____________________
Mayor                                                                      Fiscal Officer/ Clerk of Council