Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:10PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT (present by phone) |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
4 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator (present by phone); Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant
Media Present:
- Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth; Lucas Bechtol, The Bryan Times; Rebecca Miller, The Village Reporter
Public Present:
- Gary Plotts, Matt Krill, Alicia Krill, Nathan Krill, Abigail Krill, Elijah Krill
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 01.04.2022:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT |
Wallace, Chuck | YM |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
Motion PASSES 4-0
Police Department Pinning Ceremony
Matt Krill, along with his family, was present to accept a promotion to Captain in an effort to applaud Krill for his willingness to step up in the department to assist during staff shortages in 2021. Krill has been with the department since 2000 and has been a Sergeant with Edgerton PD for 10 years. Plotts stated Krill was very instrumental to keep the police department running in a smooth, straight order, and is still proving to be a very valuable asset to the department as Plotts learns his way around. Krill’s wife, Alicia, was present and had the honor of pinning his badge. Krill thanked Council for the promotion and for allowing him to serve.
Mayor’s State of the Village 2022
January 18th, 2022
As we turn the page on 2021 to begin a new chapter in 2022 let us take a moment and be reflective on what has changed and been accomplished in the Village of Edgerton this past year.
The year began with an unannounced pull out of Huntington Bank at two locations but a rapid response combination of the Village, Edgerton Development Inc and Edgerton Area Foundation, State Bank was contacted and opened their doors by May of this year. Three new businesses, Cup O’Joy, Fat Saturday Salvage and Magnolia Roots opened for business pumping new life in the downtown district. Jason Dietsch Trailor Sales has had several expansions as his business continues to grow. He has recorded sales in all 50 states and into Canada, Mexico and even across the pond into Europe.
On the industrial side, Matsu announced in May that they would be investing $4.5 million in new equipment and adding 104 new jobs to their local plant.
Three new homes have been added to the community, while updating and improving of many others continue.
Even though at times, the pace seems slow, focus continues to be on improvements in our parks and funding for new sidewalks, especially for our students on routes to our schools.
Within our local village government, we have had wholesale employee changes through retirements and those that have chosen to leave. Our new Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles leads the way of seven new full-time employees along with five part time employees coming aboard. The changes will improve our ability to serve our community and give us 24/7 police ‘in person’ coverage like we haven’t had in a long time.
Rolling into 2022, water towers, our water plant and main lift station have update plans in place for this year. We are looking to our previously seldom used Public Service Committee to utilize the volunteerism vein that runs deep in our community and help push improvement across the village forward. With our unwavering resolve and new team in place, we are ready to meet all challenges that 2022 may bring our way.
Mayor Robert Day
Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:
- Apologized for not being present but thanked Council for allowing her to attend by phone
- Locates for Laubach Dr have been submitted; preconstruction meeting 1/19/22 @ 3pm; residents will be notified by contractor on when project is slated to begin; contractor looking to do portions of work while ground is frozen
- Water Tower project at tail end of design phase; hope to bring to Council for approval in mid- February to take out to bid in early March
- Oak Street sidewalk project out to bid at end of March or beginning of April, want to award and plan to begin construction over summer break
- Kleinfelder Group- building assessment for Asset Management Plan; will be sending revised contract for Council approval hopefully at next Council meeting
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- December 2021 financials are complete, emailed January 6, ready for signature of approval
- Preparing W2’s, 1099’s for 2021
- Bank of America Credit Card Statement Review 12/16/2021 – 01/15/0222, quarterly review 10/01/21-12/31/21
- Motion to pay bills 01.18.2022:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Karnes, Tom | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
Motion PASSES 4-0
Discussion: VFDF Board – Denise Knecht informed Council that each year by Jan 31st we must establish a VFDF Board comprised of five members. We certify this information with Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of the Fire Marshal. Our Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependency Board currently consists of Mike Krill, Scott Blue, Chad Schlie, Robert Day and Denise Knecht. Mike Krill has been contacted and has agreed to continue serving on the board. The board would be responsible for reviewing claims and making recommendations to State Fire Marshal, if the need arises due to a line of duty injury or death of a VFF.
- Motion to approve 2022 Volunteer Firefighters’ Dependents Fund Board Members as listed above:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT |
Wallace, Chuck | Y2 |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
Motion PASSES 4-0
Discussion: Replat of Al-Phine Development Planning commission met on 1/5/2022 and approved the replat of Lots 1 & 2 of the original Al-Phine Development be made into Lot 1. This is now in front of Council for approval in order to be processed all the way through the system. Dawn does not see any reason for the petition to be denied as it is within limits of Codified rules and zoning regulations. Andy Farnham dropped off the Mylar prints that were reprinted with current Council members names for signatures.
- Motion to approve the re-plat of lots 1 & 2 to Lot 1 original Plat of Al-Phine Hills previously approved by Village Planning Commission on 01/05/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Karnes, Tom | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
Motion PASSES 4-0
Discussion: Professional Services Agreement from PDG for installation and replacement of sidewalks on east and west sides of Oak St. We received funding from CDBG for sidewalk project on Oak St, both east and west sides of street. This agreement will assist us with the design as well as construction management and bidding process. Village was awarded $57,600 towards the completion of this project. This Grant is coming through County Commissioner’s office, currently in environmental phase and will be ready to be taken out for bid soon. Gruver questioned the map showing electric poles. Fitzcharles explained the 4 poles on the map need to be moved due to being in the line of sidewalk placement.
- Motion to allow Village Administrator to execute Professional Service Agreement with Poggemeyer Design Group for the installation & replacement of sidewalks on East and West sides Oak Street:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Karnes, Tom | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
Motion PASSES 4-0
Council Discussion:
- Gruver questioned Council’s thoughts on ATV/UTV licensed vehicles being allowed on Village roads the same as golf carts. There was a lot of discussion regarding the issue including input from Chief Plotts on the possibility. Plotts sees no issue with this as there would then be record of who/what/where if issue should ever occur. Golf carts are inspected by PD, and are required to have all necessary safety features like that of a car (seat belt, turn signal, rearview mirror, etc) in order to be street legal and then sent to BMV to be plated.
- Blinzler was approached by a Village resident about a neighbor’s dog regularly crossing their property to defecate, Plotts stated there are things that can be done although he believes it has already been resolved.
- Chuck reported there was a Cemetery board meeting last week, there has been some tree damage at the cemetery so they plan to get some of those trees replaced and would like to start a program getting necessary trees replaced. Cemetery board would like to get a meeting scheduled with St Joe Township trustees and Village Council for some time in February. Someone from the cemetery board will make contact with the Village when they have a date in mind.
- Motion to adjourn at 7:51PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | YM |
VanAusdale, Leslie | ABSENT |
Wallace, Chuck | Y2 |
Wampler, Pam | ABSENT |
Motion PASSES 4-0