Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
6 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Chris Walker – Law Director
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator
- Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant
Media Present:
- Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth
- Lynn Thompson, The Bryan Times
Public Present:
- Tyler Perry
- Sam Lutz
- Justin Coffman
- Dan Griffin, Police Chief
- Troy Nihart, Electric Superintendent
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 06.15.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y MOTION |
Wallace, Chuck | Abstain |
Gruver, Jason | Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 5-0
- Motion to Approve Special Meeting Minutes from 06.29.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y MOTION |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Abstain |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 5-0
Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:
- Recommendations from Annual Rate review done by Courtney & Associates have been put in place for 2021. Evaluation of utility bills for Edgerton residents in comparison with surrounding entities found Edgerton utilities to be extremely competitive. Day thanked Dawn for gathering this information and added that it’s helpful to see the numbers in black and white to “quiet the noise” in the community when utility bills are high.
- Mid-year budget review- 1st step of process is identifying budget objectives, available revenues, and operating budget requests. A budget schedule has been created by administration to work through this process with Department heads and Council. Dawn presented a slideshow of where each fund stands (electric, water, sewer, storm sewer) as well as the street, general, fire and parks as of 5/31/2021. Capital projects that have been completed in the 1st and 2nd quarter and will be completed in 3rd and 4th quarter were also presented.
- Power supply costs are major factor in electric budget. June 1st kicked off electric peaking season. Managing electric demands during capacity and transmission peaks assists our consumers by keeping electric costs down. Goal is to keep money in customer’s pockets.
- What does Council want in regard to budget planning? Are there certain areas that you would like to be involved in?
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- June 2021 Financials – email sent to Council & ready to be signed off
- May 2021 Credit Card review- The review is being presented today since the statements were not available at 2nd Council meeting in May
- Tax Budget Resolution Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor, will be brought before Council on July 20 meeting for 1st reading
- Motion to pay bills 07.06.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y MOTION |
Wallace, Chuck | Y 2ND |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to enter into executive session to discuss wages and compensation of public employee/s at 7:49PM :
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y 2ND |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Troy Nihart, Electric Superintendent was invited to stay for executive session. Troy exited at 8:15PM.
Dan Griffin, Police Chief was invited into executive session at 8:24PM and exited at 9:16PM.
- Motion to exit executive session at 9:30 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y 2ND |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSED 6-0
No action taken.
- Motion to adjourn at 9:33 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y MOTION |
Motion PASSED 6-0