Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 15, 2020 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Absent |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
5 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Charles Butler – Solicitor
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
- Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant
- Dan Griffin – Chief of Police
Media Present:
- Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth
- Jeremy Scott, The Village Reporter
- Lynn Thompson, The Bryan Times
Public Present:
- Eric Gruver, AMP scholarship recipient
- Gary Mohre, Williams County Sheriff Write-in
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 06.01.20:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Absent |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion passed 5-0
Chuck Wallace entered at 7:01 pm.
Mayor Day gave Leslie VanAusdale the floor to provide a Rules Committee update. Leslie informed other Council members that Charles Butler had the policy manual to review and make any final language adjustments. VanAusdale stated Zach Dohner had forms to finish that would be placed in the Policy Manual and Denise Knecht is working with SSI to ensure new accruals for vacation and sick hours will work correctly in to the software. Roger Muehlfeld asked if a hard copy could be obtained from the office once MrButler has reviewed and was told yes. VanAusdale suggested the Rules Committee meet on June 29th, to finalize any questions or concerns, before bringing the complete version to Council on July 6th at the next Council meeting for approval.
Mayor Day asked Police Chief Dan Griffin to introduce the next guest. Chief Griffin addressed Council informing them that the gentleman he was accompanied by was Gary Mohre, Blakeslee’s Chief of Police and currently the interim Williams County Sheriff. Chief Mohre introduced himself and announced that he will be running for the Williams County Sheriff as a write in candidate during the November election. Mohre has over 13 years of experience previously with the Sheriff’s Department and currently serves the town of Blakeslee as the Police Chief. After being involved in an accident this past February, it was undetermined if he would even walk again, making his choice for him whether he would try to get on the May ballot. After recovering quicker than expected, he has since been approached by many individuals insisting he run for Sheriff in the November election. He has the endorsement of the local Mayor’s Association and the Police Chief’s in the area have given Mohre their support as well. Mohre finished by stating that he is a pretty down to earth guy with low key morals and really enjoys when unity brings everything together. “Vote Gary Mohre for Williams County Sheriff as a write-in candidate.”
Zach Dohner announced Eric Gruver as the Richard H. Gorsuch scholarship recipient given by AMP in the amount of $3,000.00. This award is given to graduating seniors whose parent or guardian is an employee or elected official with responsibility to the electric system. Eric was in the top 5 out of 28 students selected based on scholastic record, personal achievements, and test scores. Council President Jason Gruver presented his son with the scholarship check. Eric told Council thank you and informed everyone that he would be attending The Ohio State University to major in Biology.
Discussion Res. 2020-006: This resolution is required to allow for the fire levy to be placed on the November General Election Ballot. 1 mill is equal to $1 in property tax levied per $1,000 of a property’s value. Ohio has a ten-mill limitation.
Village of Edgerton Resolution No. 2020-006
- Motion to suspend the three reading rule for Resolution 2020-006:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y MOTION |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion passed 6-0
- Motion to pass and adopt Resolution 2020-006:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y MOTION |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion passed 6-0
Discussion Res. 2020-007: In order to receive federal funding from the CARES Act through SB 310, local governments must register through the Office of Budget and Management’s (OBM) updated grants portal. Municipalities will not be able to receive any CARES Act funding unless they register through this portal. Additionally, municipalities must pass a resolution regarding how the funds will be spent. Denise informed Council that she has reached out to the county auditor, Vicki requesting more information pertaining to Edgerton’s eligibility but has not received a response from Vicki yet. It is Denise’s opinion that the best policy would be to have it in place in case there is available funding. Once this resolution is passed, the Village Administrator will responsible for setting up an account for the Village on the portal to comply with requirements.
- Motion to suspend the three reading rule for Resolution 2020-007:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y 2ND |
Motion passed 6-0
- Motion to pass and adopt Resolution 2020-007:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom | Y MOTION |
Motion passed 6-0
Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:
- The backhoe has been delivered. Council is invited to stop by the Street Department and check it out.
- Laubach Dr Project– Cam-Tech has been at the project site to assess the tile. There were issues with Cam-Tech’s equipment so they will be coming back to finish the tile inspection.
- Unger St is nearly complete. There was a manhole covered and a catch basin lid that was damaged during the paving and will need to be taken care of before payment will be issued.
- West Hull St Project– A freshly poured sidewalk in front of a resident’s home had footprints tracked through it before it cured. An attempt will be made to fill and fix without having to entirely replace the section.
There is an area in front of the fire hydrant by the United Methodist Church that needs to be filled in with grass, asphalt, concrete, or stone. According to Poggemeyer’s plan is shows replacement with grass, although the previous material was asphalt. After Council discussion it was decided that asphalt should be the material used. Chuck Wallace asked how this was missed. Majority of Council believed that Poggemeyer should cover the cost of the asphalt instead of the Village. During the pre-construction meetings held between the Village and PDG, it was relayed to Mayor Day that all materials removed would be replaced with like materials. Administrator Dohner said he would contact Poggemeyer regarding this issue and let Council know the findings.
- SCADA– Mayor Day, Jason Gruver, Charles Butler and Zach Dohner have been in communication with MESA through GoTo Meetings and phone conversation regarding the installation of a SCADA system. Mr Butler suggested moving forward with the wastewater system project first to see how it works out before moving on with the water and electric department projects. MESA has designed an OPTO 22 system that does not require licensing, tech support, or other monthly fees of any kind and is built to meet Edgerton’s needs. The Village will need to hire an electrician for the electrical labor required, which can be done through MESA or by using a local electrician. Dohner gave his opinion that MESA is a reliable company used by many AMP communities. Karnes asked if there was an advantage to doing all three departments together.Mayor Day liked the idea of moving forward with the wastewater system at this time since it is a critical need, to avoid extensive fines from the EPA in the event of a sewer overflow.
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- TH3 renovation interest payment of $9, 010.00 due in June was paid.
- Motor Vehicle Record Release form need to be signed by all Council members.
Council Discussion:
Unger St– Mayor Day led discussion informing Council that the Unger St Paving Project was originally budgeted at $37,000. The final cost of the project came in just under $23,000. The Mayor and Mr Dohner took some time to drive around the Village on Monday to determine the possibility of using the remainder of capital money to take care of other areas in town that need attention.
Planning Committee– Day would like the Planning committee to meet on June 22nd, 2020 to look at a few opportunities for the Village. There are still 1-2 people that Mayor Day would like to reach out to and then will inform Council of a set date and time.
Public Power– Leslie VanAusdale announced that she received her AMP Public Power Certification. Denise requested a copy of her training certificate for the file.
Large Trash– Tom Karnes asked if a second large trash day was still an option. Mayor Day said that is the plan, with better security and a better lay out.
Homecoming– Mayor Day announced there is still a plan for a summer festival to take place in Edgerton. At this point we are sitting on the positive side of being able to plan for events. Truck pulls and a parade are on the schedule for Saturday, July 25th.
Gerhart Infield– Councilman Karnes asked if the grass infields at Gerhart were a done deal and if that was really the best option. Wallace responded the dirt for the mounds would be hauled in next week and then the grass would be able to be planted. Karnes is concerned the clover will be too difficult to maintain if grass is planted, since chemicals are not able to be sprayed at Gerhart Fields. Leslie VanAusdale also questioned if grass would be the best option now that Mr Karnes brought up the clover issue. Mayor Day asked what Chuck, as Edgerton Recreation Association president, would prefer to maintain- dirt or grass. Wallace replied he believes dirt infields would be the easiest to maintain if Village employees are able to keep up with dragging the fields this year. With baseball being cancelled for the year due to Covid-19, the lack of foot traffic will not help the weed situation. Dohner requested that Wallace inform Scott Hartley, also with the Rec Association of the decision to not plant grass on Gerhart Fields.
Street Department– Day gave a shout out to the Village Street and Park employees who worked so hard to get the Village cleaned up after the storm last Wednesday. Kudos for the quick pick up!
Mayor Day announced this will be the last meeting in the gym. The next meeting on July 6th will be held in the Council room.
- Motion to pay bills 06.15.20:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y MOTION |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion passed 6-0
- Motion to adjourn at 8:14 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y 2ND |
Thiel, Dean | Y MOTION |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion passed 6-0