Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger                           Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y

5 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator

Media Present:

  • Cindy Thiel – Edgerton Earth
  • Rebecca Miller – Village Reporter
  • Lucas Bechtol – The Bryan Times

Public Present:

  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 06.01.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger                           Y  Motion
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y  2nd
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion passed 5-0

Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:

  • We continue to work and monitor Capital projects for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021.
  • We are working with Clemans-Nelson to engage in a contract for the development of a Village Wage and Compensation Plan. We are looking for Council direction. If interested we should engage sooner rather than later as to have the information available for the development of the 2022 budget. The goal is to have wages in line with the requirements of the job per classification and position. This plan will aid in the wage conversation for years to come. This covers wages and benefits based on surveyed information from like communities. Council members feel that this would be a valuable tool and will help take the question mark out of determining wages. This is a costly item that was not included in the 2021 Budget. At this time, we have the funds available in the Professional & Technical Services lines. However, it was noted to Council Members that we may run short before the end of the year which could require appropriation increases at a later date. The plan is to split the $9,500 cost for the plan among multiple funds based on wage allocation by class using the Professional & Technical Services lines. This plan would become part of our annual wage ordinance. No motion is needed to move forward.
  • Currently there is a snow fence around the bandstand as the structure is under repair. We have purchased materials locally to make improvements and secure the structure.
  • The order has been placed for the Miller Park Play Ground Equipment which was in the 2021 Capital budget plan. The pieces were chosen by the Park Board and are expected to be delivered in 16 weeks.
  • Reminder: At the next council meeting on July 6th, we will be holding a 2021 mid-year review and a 2022 budget pre-planning session as part of the regular meeting.
  • Homecoming celebration events are beginning to be announced. The Homecoming Festival Parade is scheduled for Saturday, July 24th at 11:00AM. Council Members are encouraged to participate. Please let Dawn know if you would like to be in the lineup that we can reserve enough golf carts.

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • May 2021 Financials were distributed by email after the last Council Meeting. All members were requested to sign documentation as received. At the meeting on July 6th we will be going over our expenses, revenues and capital projects that we are working toward in 2021. In the meantime, if anyone has questions, please feel free to reach out.
  • Denise commended the efforts that have been focused on cross-training positions over the past several years. Cross Training is very important to the flow of the office in the absence of other employees. She recently returned from a vacation and her desk was not buried! Even though the effort that goes into cross-training employees is time consuming the dividends are starting to pay off as we see these rewards. “Hats off to Amanda, Dawn and Colleen – Thank you!”

Mayor Discussion:

  • Mayor Day recognized Scott and Nicole Hartley for their community involvement with Summer Rec. He extended deep appreciation from the Village for what the Hartley’s have done through the Summer Recreation program over the years. Their family is moving and Bob stated “They will be missed.”

Council Discussion:

  • What happened at Miller Park Pond? We are still testing daily. What we believe has happened is that the dissolved oxygen level dropped in the pond causing the fish to die. A pond will turn over twice per year from cold to warm and warm to cold. If there is a lot of organic matter in the pond when it turns over, that matter is released from the bottom and as it decomposes in the sunlight it eats up all the oxygen causing the fish to not have enough oxygen to breathe. After the initial issue we had only a few on Friday, Saturday and Monday.
  • Motion to pay bills 06.15.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y  2nd
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y  Motion
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion passed 5-0

  • Motion to enter into executive session for discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline or dismissal of a public employee/employees per ORC 121.22 @ 7:22PM :
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y  2nd
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y  Motion
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion passed 5-0

  • Motion to exit executive session @ 7:32PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y  2nd
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y Motion

Motion passed 5-0

Action Taken after executive session:

Village Administrator announced the retirement of Keith Winebar. It was stated that Keith wishes to come back on a part time seasonal basis from April to September to assist with the Park work. His retirement letter was read for Council. Dawn personally congratulated Keith on his upcoming retirement and went on the say that he is a joy to work with and has been a valuable asset to our Village.

  • Motion to accept the retirement of full time Park/Street Maintenance employee Keith Winebar effective December 31, 2021 and approve his employment status as part-time intermittent seasonal employee in the Spring of 2021:
Muehlfeld, Roger                           Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y  Motion
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y  2nd
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion passed 5-0

Council members discussed advertising but not hiring until a bit later in the season due to the expense of wages and benefits.

  • Motion to allow the Village Administrator to advertise and accept applications/resumes for Full Time Park/Street Maintenance employee:
Muehlfeld, Roger                           Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y  2nd
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y  Motion
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion passed 5-0

  • Motion to adjourn @ 7:42PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Absent
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y

Motion passed 5-0