Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2019 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Bowsher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


All Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Charles Butler – Solicitor
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
  • Shawn Clifton – Income Tax Clerk

Media Present:

  • Jeremy Scott, Village Reporter
  • Cindy Thiel, Edgerton Earth
  • Josh Ewers, Bryan Times

Public Present:

  • Tyler Perry
  • Sharon Blinzler

Mayoral Press Release: see Exhibit A

Mayor Lance Bowsher announced that he will not be seeking reelection in November.

  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 05.20.19:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


Thiel, Dean

Y   Motion

Day, Robert

Y   2nd

Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0

House Bill 6 Discussion:  Zachary Dohner, Village Administrator explained that the Village is waiting for the correct verbiage from AMP to correct the Resolution they provided before the House Bill passed 53-43 in the House of Representatives. He is also waiting for the direct cost impact on Edgerton Taxpayers if it passes. He hopes to have this prepared by the next Council meeting.

East and West Hull Street Discussion:  Zach explained the reason for the request to increase the engineering estimate; Tim Bock with Poggemeyer Design Group is concerned if the bids come in 10 percent higher than his original estimates from 2017, the Village would have to go back out for bids.  This would potentially result in the Village losing grant money if the project is not completed by Oct 15, 2019.  Bob Day asked that if the project does have to go back out for bid, is it not unheard of for the Village to ask for an extension on the grant money? Mayor Bowsher stated that it is possible but not guaranteed that we would get the extension.  Zach informed Council that he spoke to Tim Bock from Poggemeyer Design Group and he suggested this raise as a precaution to avoid rebidding and losing grant funds. Jackie Perry stated that it is not common practice to ask for an extension for grants and it is not guaranteed. Zach stated that one example why Tim wants to increase his estimate  is because the cost for waterline materials and supplies came in much higher than expected during the Business Alley East project. The East and West Hull Street Projects Bid Opening will be on June 13, 2019 at 10:00 and the deadline for the project completion is October 15, 2019.

  • Motion to approve the recommendation by Tim Bock, Poggemeyer Design Group, to raise the bid estimate for East and West Hull Street Projects from $643,000 to $693,000 due to the current bidding climate and scope of work:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


Thiel, Dean

Y   Motion

Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie

Y   2nd

Motion Passed 5-1

Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:

  • OUPS Representative – stopped in the office to discuss setting up a free safety update meeting. This meeting would be to discuss new regulations and updates.
  • CDBG Grant – this grant money would be used to install sidewalks on the east side of North Oak Street for safer routes to school. Zach attended CDBG County Allocation Grant meeting number two and discussed project with Commissioners.
  • SCADA – the installation portion of the quote came in and MESA was not happy with the installation costs. They are currently working to get costs down, estimate quote was $125,000.00.  Zach stated this amount is high.
  • Planned Power Outage, June 1, 2019 at 1:00 am – Zach commended the staff on how well the power outage went. Mayor Lance Bowsher said he received compliments on how smooth the power outage was. Power was out for roughly two hours to make the necessary repairs and staff was done by 5:00 am.
  • Garbage and Recycling Bid Opening – sealed bids were received today, June 3rd, 2019 from Republic and Werlor for the bid opening at 4:00 pm. The bid information will be sent to Council tomorrow; and Zach will be requesting a Special Meeting to go over the bid packages.
  • OPWC Planning Process – Zach began the 2019 OPWC Grant process and reached out to Donna from OPWC to start the planning process. A meeting has already been scheduled with Cindy at Poggemeyer to discuss OPWC project ideas and the General Plan.
  • High Grass – the Village crew is working diligently to get grass mowed. It’s been tough because of all the rain we’ve had. Zach asked for patience and understanding.

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • State of Ohio Audit – the Auditors finished their onsite audit on May 21, 2019 but are still working offsite. Council will be informed when the audit is complete. There are two options for the Post Audit Review meeting:
  1. Sit down meeting with Village Officials during business hours
  2. Notify Village Officials in writing
    Denise feels option one would be the best. She asked Council Members let her know which option they prefer.
  • May 2019 Financials – are not quite complete yet but looking good.
  • Utility Deposit Increase – Charles Butler is reviewing this information and will have it ready for the next Council meeting on June 17, 2019.

Council Discussion:

Jackie Perry commended the Electric Department and all the crews on a job well done during the Planned Power Outage on Saturday, June 1, 2019 for the substation work. She then thanked Mayor Bowsher for his years of service and wished him best of luck.

Jason Gruver thanked Mayor Bowsher for his years of service and announced that he will be seeking the position of Mayor in the November, 2019 election.

Chuck Wallace asked where the Village is with the locks. Chuck stated he is asking because Zach was asking Council.  He stated that he felt this started as accountability for people using the Town Hall Building and grew into a lot more than what was originally talked about. Jason Gruver stated that the quote was itemized, so it should be easy to split out the cost of exactly what Council decides they want to purchase.  Mayor Bowsher stated that we really need better controls over the keys to this building. Bob Day commented that we really need to decide what we are doing with this building long term because we are on the precipice of having another building in need of a lot of work; just like the old Town Hall. Bob Day stated he didn’t want the Village to put a lot of money into this project until we know more about the building and all that needs to be done to it. Jason Gruver stated that the building is in Phase 5 of the Asset Management Plan. Jason asked if the quote could be sent to Council Members for their review. Zach stated the lock quotes were originally requested by Council and everything additionally, cameras and fobs, were requested as well. Zach said nothing has changed and the quotes are itemized, but he would resend.

Bob Day thanked Mayor Bowsher for his years of service. 

Bob also stated that he went out to the generator site during the planned power outage on Saturday, June 1, 2019. He asked if the Village owns the generators or does AMP.  Mayor Bowsher informed him the Village owns them. Bob also asked if the Village could get to the place where our crew can run them or do we have to have AMP run the generators. Mayor Bowsher stated that you can’t flip a switch and turn the generators on to restore power to the Village. It’s not that simple and with only a two man crew, it’s a liability issue.  The purpose of these generators would be for dire circumstances; example a tornado where we would be out of power for days. Zach stated that originally they were to be used for peak shaving during high transmission costs. Jackie Perry commented that she believes the generator units are owned by JV2. There are multiple AMP member communities who participate in joint venture. The units are operated and maintained by AMP and the expenses are billed through JV2.

Bob Day asked about the fire hydrants that are not in working order. Bob stated that if the Village can’t get these hydrants fixed quickly, can the job be outsourced. 

Dean Thiel thanked Mayor Bowsher for his service.

Roger Muehlfeld asked if we were spraying for mosquitos. Zach replied yes and also the tablets were added to the catch basins two weeks ago. He also added that Keith Winebar is training Tim Fitzcharles to spray so that several employees have the capability. Roger also thanked Mayor Bowsher for his years of service to the Village.

  • Motion to pay bills 06.03.19:

Muehlfeld, Roger

Y   Motion

Thiel, Dean

Y   2nd

Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0

Mayor Bowsher asked Sharon Blinzler (a citizen present) if she had anything for Council. She asked when the fire hydrant with the out of order tag that is near her home would be replaced/fixed. Zach stated that the Water Department recently went to a class on hydrants in Paulding, Ohio. He also commented that the Village is looking into the possibility of replacing the water lines and hydrants with grant money. Sharon asked how long it will take to have them in operation, as this is a concern. Mayor Bowsher said to outsource the hydrant work and Chuck Wallace agreed. Mayor Bowsher told Zach to get someone in here to fix the problems we have now. We will use the grant money for any problems we have later.  Zach and Mayor Bowsher thanked Sharon for her concern and question.

Mayor Bowsher asked Tyler Perry if he had any comments. Tyler stated that the power outage went smoothly. He asked about the payment on the bills list to the Village of Edon and was informed by Denise that we have a contract for water and sewer services with the Village of Edon. Chad Ordway, Village of Edon, is the operator of record on file while our Village Water/Sewer Department employees are working toward qualifications for licensing. Our employees have obtained their Water Class I licenses and are now working on Waste Water Class I.

  • Motion to adjourn at 7:39 PM:

Muehlfeld, Roger


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck

Y   Motion

Gruver, Jason

Y   2nd

Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0