Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

6 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator; Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant

Media Present:

  • Dan Cooley- The Village Reporter; Carrie Bussing- The Bryan Times

Public Present:

  • Nick Lloyd, Laker Lloyd, Jason Dietsch, Jennifer Dietsch, Jayden Dietsch, Taylor Dietsch, Fred Kimpel, Cathy Kimpel, Jeff Brookins, Tony Fifer


  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 02.24.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Abstain
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSED 5-0

Mayor Update by Robert Day:

  • Business of the Year- Jason Dietsch Trailer Sales & Jason Dietsch Collision & Customs; 12 years in business, 22 employees, selling over 100 trailers a month and has sold to all 50 states and a couple countries. Mayor Day stated Jason continues to grow and expand and encouraged him to “keep going.”
  • Industry of the Year– Tony Fifer, owner of Covington Box that took over the Fleetwood Building in 2017. Recently Covington added 45 solar units to their warehouse distribution center in Edgerton. Fifer stated that the decision to come to Edgerton was an easy one as Bob, Dawn, and Village employees embraced him and went above and beyond to make him feel welcome. Fifer commented “We’re going to keep putting money into our plant and keep growing.” Covington is one of the largest warehouse distributors of packaging in the tri state area. They also make burial and cremation caskets. The solar interconnection agreement was approved by Council in 2022, meaning if the solar array produces more power than the facility is using it will feed back into the electric grid, then will be compensated back as a credit which is based on average cost of power of the previous year.
  • Community Service of the YearFred Kimpel is often seen around town on his golf cart picking up trash. Fred stated that litter is his pet peeve, picking it up gives him something to do and makes the town look better. Edgerton would be more beautiful if there wasn’t so much litter. Mayor Day labeled Mr Kimpel “Mr Clean” and thanked Fred for his service work.
  • Introduced Nick Lloyd as new Park employee, started 60 days ago and brings a lot of things to the table as an electrician & mechanic, but is interested to work in the Park department. Nick commented that Edgerton is different, in a good way. The people care and want the town to be beautiful.

Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:

  • 3-phase meter testing complete, roughly 43 meters tested for Large Power and a few general service accounts
  • Completed project at Water treatment plant that will allow for termination of NPDES permit related to stormwater discharge to the river; EPA will release Public Notice when this is completed
  • Port Authority constructing home at 308 N Oak St, Edgerton; ranch style 3 bedroom, 1 bath with a projected start date of May 4, 2023; interested purchasers can contact Stacy Lillard at Frey & Sons Real Estate
  • Port Authority also planning to construct 42-unit single level senior living condos that will be 2 bedroom, 1.5 attached car garage, ranch style rental units for seniors 55 years or older, located in Bryan, Ohio to be named Fountain Park Villas; will include dog park, community building with workout equipment, shelter house and accessible pathways
  • Anatomy of a train derailment from EMA perspective– presented by Ed Bohn, Edgerton fireman & Paulding County EMA director and Apryl McClaine, Williams County EMA director on 4/18/2023 Council Meeting at 7:00pm
  • Edgerton Area Foundation working with Edgerton Park Board to install 7 new scoreboards, courtesy of EAF grant
  • Efficiency Smart rebate received due to Covid pandemic; would like to request $34,171 be passed on to customers through power supply cost adjustment for bills due 4/10/23. This would reduce bill amounts by roughly 1.5 cents per kWh, but would be based on usage. VanAusdale asked for an insert to be included with utility bills explaining the adjustment.
  • Motion to approve Efficiency Smart refund of $34,171 to be passed on to utility customers for bills due 04/10/23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSED 6-0

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • February 2023 Financials
  • Credit Card 02.16.23-03.15.23

Council member VanAusdale brought forward a concern on the bill’s list regarding the chainsaw art. She would like to have some transparency and communication when taxpayer dollars are spent. Some of the questions asked included who will perform the maintenance and why it is being placed on what appears to be personal property.

  • Motion to pay bills 03.21.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y2
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSED 6-0

Siemens Agreement- Started working with Siemens in 2021 to maintain and service TH3 fire alarm system that was installed by Siemens in 2012. Cleveland or Columbus are the closest technician facilities. This agreement accepts the annual inspection per the original inspection and maintenance contract. Siemens manages the system operations & compliance and they are able to monitor our system remotely so Siemens can dispatch if there is an issue. Having this retainer in place and allowing them to perform annual inspection provides for expenses to be considerably less.

  • Motion to approve 2023 agreement for Siemens Industry Inc:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSED 6-0

Water Tower Rehab Project #2 Change Order- In August of 2021 Council approved an agreement and bid/construction document preparation for the Water Tower Rehab Project #2 for identified repairs in inspection report from Dixon Engineering completed in 2020. We are anticipating the project will start this spring and take an estimated 5-16 weeks each to be rehabilitated on the inside and outside. In October 2022 Council approved Change Order #1 when D & M Painting requested change in project completion time with a contract decrease of $9,940 in return as well as absorbing any supplies and materials cost changed from 2022-2023. Change order #2 includes additional details and materials required to complete renderings derived from sketches we provided in original specs with an overall increase of $1,980.00 to the contract price. There was extensive discussion on the reason behind the change order, which was primarily due to using Vector art. D & M determined they are not equipped to perform the project due to the detail of the painting so they have hired a third party company, the reason for the increase in cost.

  • Motion to approve change order #2 for Water Tower Rehab project #2:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck YM
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSED 6-0

Resolution No 2023-004- Natureworks reimbursement grant received for project at Gerhart Park. Funds have to be expended first and then will be reimbursed. The State Auditor’s office requires a separate fund meaning the money has to be advanced in to the fund, the Village will make the necessary expenses and then when the state reimburses the purchase, we will pay back the fund that advanced the money. This was also done with ODOT and ARPA funds.


  • Motion to approve Resolution No 2023-004:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSED 6-0

Council Discussion:

Councilman Wallace referenced flags that have been placed at Gerhart Park and if they were for the parking lot placement. Fitzcharles informed that she asked for markings to be placed where the ADA park benches are going to be set. Further discussion went on to talk about the proposed parking lot and potential driveways entering and exiting Gerhart park.

  • Motion to adjourn at 8:13PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSED 6-0