Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 5:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

  4 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator; Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant; Gary Plotts-Police Chief; Matt Krill-Police Captain

Media Present:

  • Lucas Bechtol- The Bryan Times; Cindy Thiel- The Edgerton Earth

Public Present:

  • Nathan Krill
  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 05.03.2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 4-0

  • Motion to Approve Special Meeting Minutes from 05.10.2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 4-0

Chuck Wallace entered the meeting at 5:02pm.

Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:

  • Thanked Council for being flexible in moving meeting up to 5:00pm this evening. It’s very much appreciated.
  • Nuisance abatement & clean-up project has started, some notices have already been addressed, neighbors are stepping up and helping out which is great to see.
  • Mosquito control program in process, been lucky with good weather so far.
  • Next Council meeting will hopefully be bringing an agreement to work with engineering firm for engineering for main lift station and water treatment plant upgrades; projects to be completed mid 2023-mid 2024
  • SRTS, ODOT decision has been made but results will not be announced for 2 more weeks
  • Park equipment @ Gerhart- purchase pieces of equipment through Midland States at cost, saving approximately $8-10k; applied for 50/50 matching grant from Edgerton Area Foundation

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • EK Computer update for Council Members on Wednesday May 18th beginning at 9AM – 4PM. Please make sure your computer is turned on, plugged in to power source, logged in, and connected to the internet to receive the necessary updates. You may do this from home or if you would prefer to leave them with us the office staff will assist.
  • Monthly Credit Card Review (April 16-May15), First Quarter Credit Card Review (Jan-March 2022)
  • We received check in the amount of $300,000 on 5/13/22 from the Williams County Commissioners to help fund the Water Tower Rehabilitation Project #2.
  • RITA Non-filing program – Each year in May we elect our level of participation in the Regional Income Tax Agency Non-Filer Program. Last year we participated in both options available and will be doing the same this year. Options are (1) sending non-filing delinquency letters and (2) issuing administrative subpoenas to non-responders of the initial letters. As a result of 411 non-filing letters sent in year 2021, 51 responded and 360 subpoenas were later issued. The liabilities established approximately $28,000 and the amount collected has been $9,903 to date. The remaining balance will be billed, assigned for collection and/or recommended for legal action when appropriate. Our cost so far is $360, which is $1 per subpoena.
  • Motion to pay bills 05.17.22:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

Police Chief Report by Gary Plotts:

  • CPT training- 1/3 of department trained, will have more than ½ trained by end of May
  • Acquired handheld radar system from another agency
  • Applied for body armor grant, this grant pays up to 75% of costs for all police department members; cost to Village would be approximately $6,900 while grant would cover $24,000
  • Received grant from Attorney General’s office for training
  • As of May 1, uniforms were switched over; polos more approachable to public, more comfortable and more cost effective
  • April 30, all but a couple qualified with hand guns

Reports of Committees

  • Park Board Meeting held 05.11.22
  • Accepted funds from Rita’s Family Dining for park pavilion updates
  • Received $1,000 grant for park updates
  • Purchased used basketball structures to replace outdated hoops

Dawn Fitzcharles announced that Assistant Fire Chief Chad Schlie has announced his resignation as of June 1st. In Chad’s resignation letter he stated it has been an honor to serve the Village of Edgerton. He was thankful for the support and friendship during his time on the department. Fitzcharles requested the approval of Schlie’s resignation. Dawn went on the record to thank Chad for his service to our community and knows he was a good assistant to Fire Chief, Scott Blue.

  • Motion to approve resignation of Chad Schlie, Assistant Fire Chief as of June 1, 2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck YM
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Effective May 17th, Zara McNalley has been added to the fire department roster. She will enroll in the Bryan Fire Dept VFF/FF1 class scheduled to begin this fall and will receive half pay until training is complete and she has fulfilled her probationary period.

  • Motion to Approve Zara McNalley as probationary Firefighter (in training) @ $5.84 as of May 15, 2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

Discussion- Ordinance No 1099: This addresses re-zoning of real property owned by Pegge Sines at 233 E Morrison St. This has been before Planning Commission and Council previously. The request is to reclassify property from ‘R2’ moderate density residence to ‘C2’ General business. This is the 3rd and final reading.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1099:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y2
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Discussion- 2022 Supplement: We have received $1000.00 in grant funding through the PEP+ grant to purchase materials for the Downtown Park pavilion as well as receiving $950 raised during Rita’s Family Dining fundraiser for the park and donated through the Edgerton Area Foundation. This supplement will accept the funds and then appropriates funds to be spent for that specific project.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1102:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

Discussion- Resolution No 2022-010: This is the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding that has been made available to us, just over $209,000. Similar to Coronavirus funding- as time went on, we received guidance on spending and reporting. This is the final guidance. This legislation authorizes the election of the standard allowance which makes reporting more streamlined and not as complicated. It has been recommended that projects under $10 million dollars be handled this way. This funding will be put towards Water Tower infrastructure project.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Resolution No 2022-010:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Council Discussion

Asset Management for Building TH3 – Council Members were curious about the recent meeting with Poggemeyer to review building asset management. The meeting was last Thursday. We are waiting for suggestions from Poggemeyer.

Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles thanked Chuck Wallace for his many years of service to Summer Rec. Mr Wallace is hopeful that parents will step up and take one of the several positions on the Summer Rec Board that will be vacant.

  • Motion to enter into executive session to discuss the employment and compensation of a public employee @ 5:26PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

  • Motion to exit executive session @ 6:03PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

Action taken after executive session-

We have two police department members who currently serve as unpaid reserves. They have been very dedicated to our department. Chief Plotts respectfully request a status change to bring both Larry Hussey and Fabian Aguilar on to the department as paid part time employees.

  • Motion to hire probationary part time certified police patrol officer Fabian Aguilar @ the starting hourly wage of $17.52 effective May 17, 2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

  • Motion to hire probationary part time police department employee Larry Hussey with starting hourly wage of $16.00 effective May 17, 2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

  • Motion to adjourn at 6:07PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              ABSENT
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y2
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0