Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM –Town Hall Gym


  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




5 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Charles Butler – Solicitor
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
  • Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant


Media Present:

  • None

Public Present:

  • Scott Hartley


  • Motion to Approve Special Meeting Minutes from 04.27.20 :

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0

  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 05.04.20:

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0

Mayor Day gave the floor to Scott Hartley, Edgerton Recreation Association member. Hartley presented a new option for controlling the weeds at Gerhart ball fields, which would consist of a joint effort among the Village and Summer Recreation to remove the current top dirt, and replace with fresh top soil that would allow grass seed to be planted. If the Village is willing to assist with the machinery and labor needed to remove current dirt, then bring in and level new top soil, the Association will plant, water, and maintain the infield of the ball diamonds. This will provide an easy remedy as it would be less maintenance for both entities. Mr Hartley also wanted to make sure Council understood this would be a separate task than the agreement that was made to replace the mounds at the end of 2019. Hartley added that they were only asking to plant grass infields at the Major and Minor boys league field, not the wildcat field. Councilman Wallace asked if Gerhart and Miller Park could be done around the same time. The Recreation is also requesting permission to plant an 8-10 foot grass buffer at Miller Park along the infield fence to prevent the fields from being flooded with rain. Hartley informed Council the Summer Recreation Association was holding a meeting on Wednesday, May 20 at 6:00pm to determine if a shortened season would be held this year. Scott would let the Village know where the Association stands and when the work could begin.

  • Motion to allow Edgerton Recreation Association to plant grass infield at Major and Minor Ball Diamonds at Gerhart Park, and a 8-10 foot grass buffer at Miller Park Ball Diamonds:

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0

Discussion: Denise referred to an e-mail that had already been dispersed to Council members, stating that it is time to make a designation of depository for public funds. The new priod will begin on July 1, 2020 and lasting for 5 years. Nothing in the contract was changing in relation to fees or requirements by the Hicksville Bank.

Chuck Wallace commented that he does not prefer to pass anything that includes emergency language because it may be interpreted to the public that there is no thought process involved. Charles Butler shed some light on the procedure relating to rules, readings, and passing of resolutions and ordinances. Mayor Day stated that because we have the time, we can wait and give this resolution the proper readings in order to allow the public time to view.

Village of Edgerton Resolution 2020-004
A Resolution Designating The Hicksville Bank as a Public Depository and Declaring It As An Emergency

  • Motion to give first reading of Resolution 2020-004:

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0


Discussion: Amanda Herman, Administrative Assistant has been working with Impac to secure an agreement. Our contract with Pitney Bowes is set to expire on June 29, 2020. A preliminary lease agreement with Impac for a postage and inserter was approved by Council in December 2019. Impac has already shown superior customer service to the Village as well as providing better rates. New equipment from Impac will be delivered in mid-June.

  • Motion to allow Village Administrator to execute 5 year lease agreement with Impac for postage machine and inserter beginning July 1, 2020 for $14,186.24:

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0


Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:

  • The inclement weather has pushed Hull St Construction back 4-5 days.
  • Unger Street paving project will be completed by M & M Asphalt and is set to begin on June 1, 2020.
  • Large trash day– 27,000 lbs of scrap (compared to 16,000 last year) was gathered by Michael Kimpel & crew. Proceeds to be use as donations.
  • Recently met with John and Scott from Courtney & Associates on the water, sewer, and storm sewer rate study. Likely there will be a rate or service charge increase due increased supply costs.
  • Will be meeting with Chamber members to evaluate Summer activities and how current COVID situation may effect already scheduled events
  • Reached out to MESA regarding SCADA, will now be going with a wireless option instead of fiber optic; plans to get with Mr Butler to discuss the bid process


Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • Credit card statement was not ready in time to have Credit Card review
  • Auditor of State will release 2019 audit tomorrow 5.19.20
  • Village now has audit options, instead of annually as required after fiscal emergency was declared; clean audit could qualify for cost-saving, less extensive audit called AUP (Agreed-Upon Procedures); Denise’s opinion to still do annual audit but try the less in depth AUP every other year. This subject will be revisited in August.
  • Finance Committee Meeting tomorrow 5.19.20 $5PM; email sent with topics of discussion
  • Fire Levy is up for renewal or replacement, deadline to be placed on the ballot for November is August 5th. Mr Butler is working on drafting a resolution.


Council Discussion:

BACKHOE– Mayor Day began discussion by describing the ‘interesting journey’ of purchasing a new backhoe. After a new piece of equipment was found, it was discovered that the requested backhoe had been sold to another company. A like model was being built but would not be ready until July. The Village’s current backhoe has multiple mechanical issues and staff is concerned that it may not make it until July. Mayor Day and Kip Pahl, Public Works Superintendent made a trip to assess a different backhoe, but it does not qualify for state pricing, due to the amount of hours it has been in use. Charles Butler informed Council that if the backhoe purchase goes out to bid, the process could last another 6 weeks. Chuck Wallace suggested checking out 2021 pieces of equipment that may qualify for state pricing. It was discussed among Council members if the best idea would be to approve the advertisement for bids on a new backhoe to begin the process if it would end up being necessary. A motion was made.

  • Motion to allow the Village Administrator to advertise for bids for a new backhoe:

Muehlfeld, Roger                         


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY– Day was contacted by a Habitat member and would like to revisit building a home on Oak St. There are possible grants for utility installs that would significantly help cover costs.

HULL ST CEMENT WORK– Mayor Day explained that Bryan Excavating has offered their services to Hull St residents that have considered replacing concrete on their property, such as a sidewalk or driveway. This service would be completed outside of the scope of the projects and residents would be billed directly by Bryan Excavating. Day stated there are 5 or 6 interested residents.

SUMMER SPORT ACTIVITIES– By direction of Governor DeWine, summer activities such as softball and baseball are allowed to resume May 26th, with strict regulations. Mayor Day has been in contact with the surrounding communities and has found that most programs are planning to attempt a shortened season. The Mayor’s opinion is to allow Edgerton Recreation Association to make the final decision and the Village will support them under the guideline set by the Governor. There is a baseline of mandatory guidelines such as masks in the dugout and distancing six feet from teammates and coaches, that will be hard to police but must be followed. Leslie VanAusdale stated she is not a fan of wearing masks in 100 degree heat. She proceeded to ask Chuck Wallace what he felt as an Edgerton Recreation member. Wallace believes it would be in the best interest of the children to call this season off and spend the time repairing the fields. He feels there are too many stipulations for the kids and too much responsibility on the coaches and Summer Rec. Council members and the Mayor agreed it would be best to yield to the decision of Summer Rec and support either way. If Edgerton Rec Association chooses to play, it is imperative that guidelines be followed, and coaches will have to enforce. Wallace mentioned the Rec Association would be holding a big screen movie night this Saturday on the softball field, where social distancing would be practiced. Sandlot is the movie choice, and concessions will be available.

MEMORIAL DAY– Mayor Day confirmed there will still be a short Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 25th beginning at 10am. The American Legion will host and perform a 21 gun salute as in previous years. There will not be a parade.

CHAMBER EVENTS– Day was approached regarding the truck pulls that are set to take place at the end of July. Chamber is requesting guidance on the status of holding the event, as they are needing to rent a sled now. Homecoming and Fall Fest are two other events that are in question of being held due to the uncertainty of future impacts of COVID-19. Mayor Day made the statement that “getting into this was easy, but getting out of this will be difficult.”

UTILITY DONATIONS– Day would like to reiterate the level of compassion in Edgerton he has seen by the donations that have been made to residents that may be struggling to pay their utility bills during this Covid-19 pandemic. Residents showing their heart for other residents is great for Edgerton.

COUNCIL INTERVIEWS– Mayor Day asked Council when they would like to schedule interviews for the vacant Council seat. He would like to invite a couple of members of local business and industry corporations to sit on a panel with Village Administrator Zach, Mayor Day, and Council President, Jason Gruver. Since special meetings to hold interviews are considered executive session, the business participants would need to be invited. A date of Thursday, May 21st was thrown out to members, and Zach said he would reach out to see if the candidates were all available.

LARGE TRASH– Roger Muehlfeld asked a couple of questions about the large trash drop off that took place last weekend. There was an exceeding amount piled in, on, and around the delivered trash containers. Day explained it is a broken system and a new system will need to be put in place before another trash day is held. It was suggested that a Fall trash day be scheduled to attempt to break up the amount. Day mentioned that most residents are unaware there is a bulk item pickup available to residents on the fourth Friday of every month. Wallace stated the guys that worked at the large trash drop off did a great job.

RULES COMMITTEEVanAusdale gave an update that she had met with Mr Butler in regards to the employee handbook and he had recently sent a copy of a prior handbook suggesting we simplify sections. Butler stated without having a dedicated Human Resources manager, and instead ask the Mayor, Village Administrator, and Fiscal Officer to carry out regulations set forth in the handbook, it may be simpler to get rid of some detail. Butler also commented there is no right answer, just practical consideration. Mayor Day suggested to finish the handbook as VanAusdale has been going, and then take the time to look at the handbook and make an attempt to simplify. Denise Knecht informed VanAusdale that she would like to sit down together sometime to go over the sections that will require a change in the software so Denise is able to contact SSI. Wallace stated his handbook was with his attorney and had some questions and concerns on the handbook that he would like to discuss with the rules committee. VanAusdale would like Wallace to bring his concerns to the committee so they can work on it together. A meeting was requested to be held on Thursday, May 28th @ 6pm.

  • Motion to pay bills 05.18.20:

Muehlfeld, Roger


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0


  • Motion to adjourn at 9:11 PM:

Muehlfeld, Roger


VanAusdale, Leslie


Thiel, Dean


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason




Motion passes 5-0