Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

  6 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator; Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant; Fabian Aquilar, Gary Plotts- Police Department

Media Present:

  • Liam Jackson-The Bryan Times; Anna Wasniak- The Village Reporter
  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 04.18.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Abstain
VanAusdale, Leslie Y2
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Mayor Update by Robert Day:

  • Thanks to all that attended & contributed to the Arbor Day dedication for Tom Kitchen; Alicia Krill & Collette Schroeder for the students’ musical entertainment & Kermit Riehle for the use of the Annex as weather was not cooperative
  • Village Day of Prayer will be Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 12:15pm-12:45pm in the Town Hall gym

Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:

  • Water Tower Project-deploying equipment & placing pressure reducing valves on hydrants in preparation; will not take water tower offline until last possible moment; should be little to no effect for businesses & residents
  • Large trash day numbers-22.65 ton of scrap gathered in 7 containers & 4 tons of scrap donated to Edgerton Scrap Fund
  • Republic Service is great company to work with- they have started modeling their large trash events on our process
  • Edgerton Metals property-proud new owners, closed today! Working through public responses from advertisement for qualifications and will hopefully bring a recommendation to next meeting
  • Slum & blight nuisance tags– 30 days this Friday, there is 1 civil case @ Mr Walkers office
  • Storm siren on Clarksville- Mohre Electronics recommended company Federal Signal Siren to replace signal per FEMA guidelines; signal will be removed by Edgerton Electric and replaced in an area that was mapped by the company
  • Mayor and Village Administrator, along with 2 HS students attended State representative & Senate office in Columbus last Tuesday joining roughly 20 AMP communities to meet with State lawmakers during OMEA Legislative Day. Took part in meeting with Ohio Housing Finance Agency and also the Ohio Department of Development, State representative Jim Hoops and Senator Rob McColley
  • Invitation to all Downtown businesses to participate in decorating store fronts in red, white and blue to show patriotism and honor those who have served our country beginning this Memorial Day through September 11th
  • Memorial Day parade details being finalized, should be same as previous years with lineup starting at 9:45 and the walk to Maple Grove cemetery commencing at 10am. Ladies Aid group from Zion Lutheran Church will be having chicken BBQ provided by Fat Pig Smokehouse out of Hicksville, OH from 10a-1p along with baked good, water and sides.
  • Tall grass & weeds– started to receive complaints; our code reads that high grass and weeds shall be controlled to be lower than 9 inches and mowed no less than 3 times a year beginning on May 15th; great opportunity for neighbors to help neighbors. If you know of someone that needs assistance, please call Town Hall to let us know.
  • Senior Community service day- HS seniors will spend some of their final school hours serving the community with some painting and mulching projects
  • Want to take a moment to thank the Police Department for assistance with slum & blight project, they have been a key component in tackling several nuisance complaints including inoperable cars; shout out to Fabian Aguilar for his service during the prom walk-in event at the school this past Saturday as he held umbrellas and opened doors for the Junior/Senior prom attendees; received many compliments about his courteous behavior

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • April 2023 financials complete and the May accounting period is up an running
  • Motion to pay bills 05.02.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

Police Chief Update by Gary Plotts:

  • Jaxx doing great post-surgery, has been fully released to return to work
  • Taser policy presented at last meeting- reviewed & approved by Mr Walker, looking for Council approval to add to Edgerton PD policy
  • Nuisance vehicles– Thanked by Dawn but she does all the hard work, he delivers the tag; good teamwork to get things accomplished
  • Forensic interview room– upstairs @ Town Hall, used for juvenile sexual assault victims; open to other departments for use as it is now 1 of 2 in the County
  • Recognition at NW A.R.T symposium in Archbold for going above and beyond in our community to assist victims

Administrative assistant resignation- Hayley Kimpel is resigning from her position as intern administrative assistant. This is a school program and the last day of school for Hayley is May 19th. Hayley has assisted administration and the Mayor with multiple tasks during her time at the Village.

  • Motion to accept resignation of Intern administrative assistant, Hayley Kimpel effective 05.19.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 6-0

Intern positions- This is our first year working with Chase McClellan at the school for placement of students within the Village. We started in the office but believe there are opportunities to expand the program to other departments to provide trade experience. We are currently working toward that goal but for now would like to advertise for the soon to be vacant intern administrative assistant position.

  • Motion to advertise for position of Intern Administrative assistant:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

As discussed during Gary’s update, the policy regarding tasers is requested to be added to Edgerton Police Departments Policy Manual.

  • Motion to approve addition of Conducted Energy Devices to Edgerton Police Department Policy Manual adopted from Lexipol, LLC:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y2
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

Ordinance No 1119– This is the 3rd reading of CRA adding residential provision.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1119:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

Ordinance No 1121- Addition of Fund for ODD Brownfield was approved at last Council meeting, we are now asking Council’s approval to increase revenue & appropriations to the ODD Brownfield fund.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1121:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 6-0

Council Discussion:

Councilman Bowsher apologized for missing the last Council meeting.

Pam Wampler was approached about the probability of a water park being constructed in the Village. Administrator Fitzcharles said it’s not in the picture right now but that doesn’t mean no forever. We are currently taking steps to improve key components of infrastructure and that is our main priority. The things we have need to be taken care of before we can think of serving a new asset.

Sharon Blinzler reported a pile of junk at 304 E Hull St.

Chuck Wallace inquired about the white spray paint lines on the storm sewer on West St. Fitzcharles informed there is warranty work being completed on curbs and sides of street where water is being held because areas have settled. Will also be reseeding as agreed upon.

Jason Gruver commended all departments on the work they put in day to day. Village employees are the unsung heroes and go above & beyond to do great things for our operation. Also, kudos to the Police Department who is constantly looking for ways to improve, no doubt thanks to great leadership. We have a really great team here.

VA Fitzcharles put an email out to Council members to reschedule May 16 meeting and would like a motion to hold next regular Council meeting on Wednesday, May 10 @ 5:30pm.

  • Motion to reschedule next regular council meeting from May 16, 2023 @ 7pm to Wednesday, May 10 @ 5:30pm:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Bowsher, Lance YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to adjourn at 7:38PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0