Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes

Monday, May 4, 2020 at 7:00 PM


  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                 Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y

5 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Charles Butler – Solicitor
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
  • Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant

Media Present:

  • Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth
  • Lucas Bechtol, The Bryan Times
  • Angi Scott, The Village Reporter

Public Present:

  • Pam Fitzcharles
  • Scott Hartley
  • Tom Karnes
  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 04.20.20:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                   Y MOTION
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y 2nd
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0

Discussion: Jackie Perry, council member turned her resignation in Monday, April 27th– effective April 30, 2020

  • Motion to accept the resignation of Council member, Jackie Perry:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                   Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Y 2nd
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0


Discussion: Zach informed Council that he and Mayor Day had met with Colleen Hennessy last week for her 6 month employee evaluation review. VanAusdale asked if a performance evaluation sheet was completed. Zach confirmed.

  • Motion to remove Colleen Hennessey, Clerk from 6 month probation period as of May 4, 2020:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                   Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y 2nd
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y MOTION

Motion passes 5-0

Discussion: Administrator Zach Dohner led the discussion for the Unger St paving project by providing the information from quotes that were received by 2 different companies. Bryan Excavating quoted $24,437.50 while M & M Ashphalt quoted $22,143.75; a difference of $1,893.75. Both companies would expect to complete the work in early June, weather dependent, and would also be covered under a 1 year warranty. Work includes grinding the old pavement, and replacing with new surface. VanAusdale asked the question if M & M has been used by the Village before. Chuck explained M & M completed asphalt work at Miller Park and in front of the Town Hall building, and he was pleased with their work. Jason Gruver asked if the line items and materials on each quote were the same. Zach said yes and added that he stands by the work that has been done in the Village by Bryan Excavating. Chuck Wallace said he feels the logical thing to do would be to go with the company that will cost the Village less.

  • Motion for Village Administrator to enter an agreement with M & M Asphalt for the Unger Street paving project in the amount of $22,143.75:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                   Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y 2nd
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y MOTION
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0


Discussion: Mayor Day began by letting Council know purchasing a new police cruiser would be placed on hold this year, so the Village would instead be focusing on maintaining the current vehicle fleet, as well as updating police uniforms, and purchasing necessary personal protective equipment.

Police uniforms are in desperate need of a revamp as many officers have mismatching pieces. The quoted cost is $3692.00. The original budgeted amount for uniforms is $1700.00. An extra $2000.00 is being requested to cover the uniform update expenses. This would provide 13 pieces for 2 full time employees and each part time police officer.

PPE is needed in a more intense fashion than usual, brought on by COVID-19 fear and concern. VanAusdale was curious what specific PPE needed to be purchased that the police department did not already have. The quote included thermometers, face shields, gowns, boot covers, hand sanitizer, safety glasses, and gloves. VanAusdale went on to ask if anyone checked on receiving grant funding for PPE. It may be something to look into in the future. The desired increase for operating materials and supplies for PPE is $1150.00.

Vehicle repair estimates came in around $4400.00 to get the police cruisers in good running condition. Day explained we are waiting on a 2nd quote for vehicle repair and won’t be making any moves until that is received to ensure we get the best price. The availability to get the work done in a timely manner is an important factor also. A total of $6000.00 is being requested to increase the budget in vehicle maintenance and repair.

Fiscal Officer, Denise Knecht, explained there is not a need for emergency language because this is for the current year budget expenses.

Village of Edgerton Ordinance No. 1052

An Ordinance Providing For A Supplement To The 2020 Annual Appropriations For Current Expenses

  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1052:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                   Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Y 2nd
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0


Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:

  • Encouraged everyone to check out the Village website, a lot of valuable information & looks great
  • Laubach Dr project- Poggemeyer still working on surveying
  • Keeping in touch with Donna Kirkbride at OPWC with updates of Hull St and Laubach Dr.
  • Underground work is done on East/West Hull St Projects, next is surface work
  • Thanked Leslie for working so hard on the Employee handbook to clean up language


Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • April Financials were completed and sent out to Council members last week; Mayor Day will sign for Council members
  • 2019 Audit exit conference held today, May 4, with state auditor and Senior state auditor, Council members, and Mayor; Audit will be released within the next couple of weeks and will be available to the public and on the Village website


Council Discussion:

BACKHOE Mayor Day asked Zach Dohner if there was an update on the backhoe purchase. Zach stated there has been a few issues with the purchase, and there has also been discussion of obtaining a 2nd quote. Kip is now looking in to stocked options, since the need for a backhoe is imperative and the current one is not running efficiently. Chuck Wallace questioned if this was a state bid price and if other vendors would offer for the same price. Dohner responded there is a comparably priced machine, slightly bigger with additional options and 1 year warranty for roughly $2000.00 more. Wallace doesn’t agree with knocking down police budget for a new vehicle to increase the capital purchase of a backhoe. Mayor Day is planning to reach out to the owner to get to the bottom of issues and see what the hold-up is. He will send Council an email update when he knows more.

UTILITY ANGELMayor Day said that COVID-19 is not the only contagious thing happening right now. There was another individual that left monetary assistance for a Village resident that is struggling to pay their utility bill. This is the 3rd time in the last 45 days that this act of kindness and generosity has taken place. Mayor Day believes the thoughtfulness of others during this difficult time should be celebrated.

MEETINGS– The question was brought up if Council wanted to continue with virtual meetings via the GoTo Meeting website or would like to consider meeting in person. Social distancing would obviously be practiced. If there was not enough room to meet safely in the Council Chambers, the gym could be an alternative location. Jason Gruver agreed with meeting as a Council in person.

TH3– Day stated there have been discussions of opening up some space and creating a safe environment in the office by bringing the counter to the window which would free up some empty space. This would include cutting a pass through in the glass and continuing to keep the doors locked. On the outside of the building Day is looking to make the environment inviting and warm. Trash bins have been transferred to the North end of the building so the covered porch next to the entrance can be used as a space to take breaks outside. Employee parking signs will be removed allowing customers to park closer to the door. Metal letters added to the building that would distinguish the Town Hall and the Police Department have also been brought up.

AMMO– Roger Muehlfeld asked Mayor Day if he had contacted Toledo. Day responded he communicated with the Toledo Police Department and the issue had been taken care of. VanAusdale asked if they were discussing the explosives and if the individual thought to have rights to them was contacted. Day said he would reach out to the individual.

STAY SAFE ORDER EXTENDED– VanAusdale questioned if anyone knew the Governor’s position to delay reopening the state. Mayor Day responded that Dewine initially intended to require masks of all Ohio residents that were in public, but has since redacted that requirement. Day feels that as a smaller community, we should be treated differently than the urban areas. Chuck Wallace asked what the order meant for parks and what the Village standpoint was on if the kids will be able to play or not? Mayor Day doesn’t have that answer at this time. Dohner added COVID-19 has been an unfortunate event in all areas and he feels a sit down meeting with the Mayor will need to take place to look at surrounding communities and determine what the options are. Scott Hartley with the Edgerton Recreation Association spoke up to let Mayor Day know if they would like any information, he is aware of what the Williams County teams are planning at this point. Lastly, Day announced that garage sales are open. It was confirmed with the Williams County Health Department. Safe distancing, masks, and gloves are still very much encouraged.

RULES COMMITTEE– Leslie VanAusdale informed Council that she will be meeting with Mr Butler on Thursday to go over the language in the employee handbook so the update can be completed. If anyone would like to look at specific issues later, that can be done. The next rules committee meeting is scheduled for May 14th at 5:00 pm. It is undetermined at this time if that will be a virtual meeting or if a face to face meeting will take place. Council will be informed when that is decided.

  • Motion to pay bills 05.04.20:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y 2nd
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0

  • Motion to enter into executive session to consider the appointment of a public official @ 8:02 PM :
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Y 2nd
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0

  • Motion to exit executive session @ 9:25 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y 2nd
VanAusdale, Leslie Y MOTION
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y

Motion passes 5-0

  • Motion to advertise for vacant Council seat in the Edgerton Earth and The Bryan Times starting Wednesday May 6 through Wednesday May 13, 2020:
Muehlfeld, Roger                                   Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y 2nd
Wallace, Chuck Y
Gruver, Jason Y MOTION

Motion passes 5-0

  • Motion to adjourn at 9:27 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Thiel, Dean Y
Wallace, Chuck Y MOTION
Gruver, Jason Y 2nd

Motion passes 5-0


______________________________                 _____________________________
Mayor                                                         Fiscal Officer/ Clerk of Council