Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 6, 2019 at 7:09 PM
- Mayor Bowsher called the meeting to order after the Annual Joint Cemetery meeting at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
6 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Charles Butler – Solicitor
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
- Shawn Clifton – Income Tax Clerk
Media Present:
- Jeremy Scott, Village Reporter
- Cindy Thiel, Edgerton Earth
Public Present:
- Tyler Perry
Mayor Bowsher asked Tyler Perry if he had something to bring before council. Tyler stated that he owned a business in the Village called TNR Printing. He asked the question – what is the Administration doing to keep business and bring in new business to our community? Mayor Bowsher asked if he could be more specific, adding that the Village works with WEDCO when they have businesses that would like to locate to the area. Mayor Bowsher also stated that the Village works with the county on possible tax credits depending on job creation for new or existing businesses.
Tyler stated that he has received two letters requesting that his Backflow Preventer be inspected and tested. I have to hire someone to come in and pay them $150.00 annually; which is an exorbitant amount. Why doesn’t the Village have someone on staff to do the inspections/tests for the businesses in town. If the Village had certified employees, they could to go to other Villages to do inspections and charge to do so. It would be making money for the Village and help out Edgerton businesses. Mayor Bowsher stated that the Village has employees in Backflow Classes tonight through the week. Tyler asked when this might be available. Denise Knecht stated that it is a weeklong class and then they will have to take a test to become certified. Bob Day asked Tyler to see him after the meeting because he has a contact who might be able to do the job for a more reasonable price. Mayor Bowsher stated it’s a scheduling issue as to when this process might be complete. Tyler said that this is great news. Bob said it would be nice to do something for the downtown businesses because they feel abandoned.
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 04.15.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y Motion |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2nd |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
Administrator Update:
Zach Dohner said he was visited by Clint Sexton with Mesa and his recommended electrical engineer to finalize SCADA, but has not yet received the quote. The Village location for SCADA is planned for the central office behind Amanda. The quote will be divided into itemized lines; so the Village can decide which options/areas need SCADA first. Mayor Bowsher also commented that they will be presenting different options for us to choose from.
Zach updated Council that the East and West Hull Street Project designs are almost complete. Tentative dates for advertisement are May 29, 2019 and June 5, 2019 with the sale date of June 13, 2019 and then the Village could award contracts at the June 17, 2019 council meeting. Zach stated that he will be setting up dates to review the design plans with Tim Bock. Bob asked the cost to the Village from Poggemeyer. Zach stated that they haven’t met so he doesn’t know, but will have more information at the meeting.
Zach reminded the Village of the planned power outage June 1, 2019 from 1:00am to 12:00pm to replace a switch and perform routine biannual maintenance. Shawn Clifton and Zach will be calling businesses to remind them of the planned power outage.
Zach stated Jason Gruver, Mayor Bowsher, Street Department and himself worked on Saturday for the Large Trash Drop Off. Zach commented that it went very well. Zach noted that Mike Kimpel and his crew members have collected approximately 10,000 lbs of metal scraping donations for the Dustin Baker Family. Mike Kimpel had also mentioned that they would be donating all the money from scrap collected to the family. He still had to combine all the receipts, but the number would be approximately $10,000.00 donated to the Dustin Baker Family. Zach commented that it was really great that everyone came together for the Baker Family. It really says a lot about Edgerton and its residents.
Zach commented on the General Plan; he wants to find out if we are required to have to do a General Plan if we apply for a loan. Mayor Bowsher stated that the Village is concentrating on the list of Projects that need completed for the water plant. Zach stated that for the WSRLA we need the General Plan per Poggemeyer, but was curious if it was needed for grants.
Zach informed Council the Summer Lunch Program will run from June 10, 2019 – August 2, 2019. NOCAC will provide lunch and games daily. Zach is communicating with the Williams County Soil and Water Department on planning something at Miller Park that would be educational for the kids after the summer lunch program.
Zach informed Council that he and Denise Knecht attended a meeting in West Unity to meet with representatives from grant/loan agencies such as OPWC, CDBG, DEFA and WSRLA, for available funding opportunities for Village projects.
Zach informed Council that he is going to be working on a five to ten year infrastructure plan in the near future.
Fiscal Officer Update:
Denise Knecht presented the April 2018 credit card statements for Councils review, and requested the signature of the Council President.
Denise stated that she emailed the financials for April and everything seems to be on track, and requested signatures of council as confirmation of receiving the information.
Denise updated Council on the fire grant. Jaws of Life have been ordered. One specific item is not in stock. Based on the timeframe of the grant, Council might need to talk about an extension later for this item depending on how long it takes to receive.
Denise informed Council that the Auditors of State are here for the 2018 audit. The Auditors have requested Council Members email addresses. Council should expect emails later this week or first of next week from the Auditor giving information about the audit.
Council Discussion:
Dean Thiel commended Summer Recreation for the girls’ softball tournament held last weekend at Miller Park.
Chuck Wallace stated that the drain in the road next to the Tot Field needs to be cleaned out.
The Village also needs to look at the parking situation at Miller Park. Chuck said we have grindings behind the Street Department building. The Village needs to look at cutting the sod out and putting grindings in for parking. He said it works better when the grindings are hot. Chuck suggested we use the grindings behind the street building and the grindings from the East and West Hull Street Projects once they begin. Mayor Bowsher asked if you still need to put in a base. Chuck stated that is a question for an excavator.
Bob Day stated that the Gerhart Field Diamonds look the best they have in years. Mayor Bowsher stated that because of the lips being cut off, they look so well. Chuck informed Council that Perry Excavation performed the work. Troy Nihart trimmed the evergreens at Gerhart Fields back so that people can sit on both sides of the field now. Chuck also stated that Keith Winebar does a wonderful job at the Park. Chuck stated that Council is going to need to come up with some money to hire a person during the summer to help take care of the parks.
Bob asked about whether the Village mows to the corporation limits. He said he knows to the west is a long haul but it would make a good impression coming in to town. Bob asked if we have a plan.
Bob also asked if anything can be done with the railroad weeds and grass. Mayor Bowsher said they used to allow us take care of the weeds and grass but for liability reasons they will not let us on their property. Chuck asked why we couldn’t go on their property; the Village can go on personal property for various reasons. Zach said he spoke to the railroad and was basically told they give us the right to cross the tracks. Mayor Bowsher said it is all about liability.
Bob asked if Council could have a representative from the HV system that was previously purchased and installed come to a Council meeting for discussion.
Bob also commented that he had someone approach him about the Unger Street Project and how we had money at one time to do the project but it got spent for something else.
Bob would like to invite the metal scrapping donation crew for the Dustin Baker Family to come to a Council meeting.
Bob asked about revisiting what can be done so that property owners don’t get stuck with their renter’s utility bills when the renter leaves. Bob updated Council that the last time meter deposits were raised was 1982.
Mayor Bowsher stated the property owners can raise their deposits. Bob stated that we need to let them know they need to raise the deposits. Denise asked if this particular property owner received a tag. Chuck suggested that we charge the deposit according to the average utility bill. Chuck stated if they can’t pay the deposit they probably can’t pay their bill. Jackie Perry asked if we had done a comparison with other Villages. Denise said yes and our deposit was close to other communities. Denise thought the average deposit was approximately $150.00. Mayor Bowsher said we never want a situation where the rest of the Village residents have to pay for delinquents. Bob said this specific renter had tons of late charges and that’s money we don’t have invested. Bob asked if we can put the late fee money in an account. Chuck asked what the procedure is if someone calls in with a payment arrangement and does not keep it. Shawn Clifton responded if they don’t keep their payment agreement a twenty-four hour disconnect tag is placed on the door. Denise said when people call in they are referred to different HELP agencies. In the winter, the Village installs electric current limiters because we do not want anyone without power in the winter for safety of individuals and the home itself.
Bob stated that he sent an email to Administration and Council on Saturday, April 6 and did not get a response. Zach then asked Bob what the email asked so there could be discussion with everyone present. Bob said he didn’t have the email and could not remember what it said.
Chuck Wallace informed Council that Opening Day is Saturday, May 11, 2019 at 10:00am at Gerhart Field. Later games will be played at Gerhart and Miller Park. Chuck also informed Council of the boys’ baseball tournament on May 17 & 18, 2019 at Miller Park.
Chuck commended Keith Winebar for doing such a great job at the parks.
Chuck suggested the Street Dept., while it is still wet, move the bleachers and use the skid steer and brush machine to get the sand out from around the bleachers and smooth it out.
Chuck said the new netting has been put up.
Chuck said he believes the drain between fields is plugged.
Bob stated that he had a resident approach him about their catch basin being plugged.
Chuck asked about the catch basins located in resident yards. Chuck said he would like to see if the Village could cut the sod out and use mill run to fill in to improve drainage. He said he purposely drove around town and during rains there were 11 catch basins that were not draining because the sod is too high. Chuck would like to see if we could start in the really troubled areas first.
Chuck also asked about whose responsibility is it to take care from the sidewalk to the street. Zach stated residents take care of that. If there are pot holes right next to the road the Village will fill them or any obstruction for road edge retention.
Jason Gruver commended the Water Department on preparing for the EPA to come.
Jason also commended the Administrative staff on working with the Auditor of State.
Jason commended the Street Department on Saturday’s Large Trash Drop Off. He felt it went very smoothly. Jason stated a highlight was Steve Kimpel assisting with directing traffic.
- Motion to pay bills 05.06.19:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y Motion |
Thiel, Dean |
Y 2nd |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Perry, Jackie |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
- Motion to adjourn at 8:06 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Day, Robert |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y Motion |
Perry, Jackie |
Y 2nd |
Motion passes 6-0