Village of Edgerton Budget Workshop Session
Monday, October 19, 2020 @6:00PM
The Edgerton Village Council, Mayor, Village Administrator and Fiscal Officer met with each of the Department heads for the Budget Workshop. Also present was Administrative Assistant.
- Scott Blue 6:00pm – 6:16pm
- Dan Griffin 6:16pm – 6:33pm
- Troy Nihart 6:33pm – 6:54pm
- Kip Pahl 6:54pm – 7:10pm
Department Heads discussed Capital budget items desired for each of their departments.
Fire Department– 4 sets of turn out gear, F-500 concentrate, LED scene lights, pager upgrade
Police Department- Police cruiser, fire range building, E-ticket system
Electric Department– ITRON upgrade, SCADA, Crane St building, electric meters, tow motor, truck trailer, LED lights
Park– Miller Park upgrade (A/C, patio, or kitchen remodel), mower, side by side
Street– safety and street signs, wash bay, air compressor, chip & seal, Asset management master street plan
Water Department– ITRON upgrade, truck 550, water tower
Sewer Department- ITRON upgrade, SCADA, lift stations
Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:10PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Prayer.
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
6 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Charles Butler – Solicitor
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator
- Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant
Media Present:
- Lucas Bechtol, The Bryan Times
- Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth
Public Present:
- Tyler Perry
- Scott Hartley
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 10.5.20 :
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
- Motion to Approve Special Meeting Minutes from 10.14.20 :
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Y 2ND |
Motion passes 6-0
Electric Superintendent Troy Nihart – Announcement of Trevor Lawson’s completion of Lineman Training Troy stated that Trevor Lawson has successfully completed 4 years of online schooling and testing, as well as 4 years at AMP climbing school. Troy has received reports that Trevor has a great attitude, a mind for safety, and is one of the top apprentices in the class. Nihart expressed how proud he was of Lawson and informed Council that he’s done a great job and is happy we hired Trevor. With that being said Denise Knecht asked Council for a motion to update Trevor Lawson’s job classification from Line Worker Apprentice to Electric Lineman.
- Motion to update job title for Trevor Lawson from Apprentice to Lineman after the completion of lineman schooling and climbing school in accordance with employment agreement:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Karnes, Tom |
Y 2ND |
Motion passes 6-0
Upward Digital – Robert Steele was on the agenda to attend the meeting this evening but unfortunately was unable to make it. He called Denise at 7:00Pm and left a voicemail offering to have a phone conference call with us but Council Members were not interested. Mayor Day suggested moving on with the meeting and reaching out to Robert tomorrow.
Discussion–: This is the 3rd reading for both Electric and Water Rules and Regulations that have been revised.
Village of Edgerton Ordinance No 1057
An Ordinance Approving Electric Utilities Rules and Regulations and Repealing Ordinance No. 874
- Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1057:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y 2ND |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
Village of Edgerton Ordinance No 1058
An Ordinance Approving Water Utilities Rules and Regulations
- Motion to pass and adopt reading of Ordinance No 1058:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
Discussion: This is 2nd reading for Ordinances No. 1060 to revise water rate charges.
Village of Edgerton Ordinance No 1060
An Ordinance Revising the Rates to be Charged Water Consumers for Services Supplied by the Water System of the Village of Edgerton, Ohio
- Motion to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance No 1060:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y 2ND |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
Discussion: This is 2nd reading for Ordinances No. 1061 to revise storm sewer rate charges.
Village of Edgerton Ordinance No 1061
An Ordinance Revising the Rates To Be Charged By The Storm Sewer Utility of The Village of Edgerton, Ohio
- Motion to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance No 1061:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Y 2ND |
Motion passes 6-0
Discussion: This is 2nd reading for Ordinance NO 1063.
Village of Edgerton Ordinance No. 1063
An Ordinance Establishing Salary Allocations for the Listed Job Wages and Benefits
- Motion to approve 2nd reading of Ordinance No. 1063:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
Discussion: Mayor Day asked Denise Knecht to give a short explanation on Ordinance No 1065. Knecht informed Council this Ordinance would allow for the restructuring of debt for Village Town Hall as recommended by the Finance Committee. The Village had the opportunity to restructure the current bond, by stabilize the payments for the remaining term of the debt, as well as lowering the interest rate through 2027. The payments will be more level each year, as opposed to the current structure with larger payments towards the end of the bonds term.
Village of Edgerton Ordinance No. 1065
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #912, Adopted August 20, 2012 To Provide For The Restructuring of The Village’s Outstanding Town Hall Improvement Limited Tax General Obligation Bond, Series 2012, And Declaring An Emergency
- Motion to suspend the rules for Ordinance No. 1065:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
- Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1065 by emergency:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
Denise will return a copy of the now signed Ordinance to Tom Wilson at Dinsmore and once received he will then mail the original bond to the Village.
Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:
- Water Towers– in process of being inspected; once info is received Village can move forward with what is critical
- Business Alley West– great job done by Bryan Excavating
- Arbor Day– Tree Commission planted tree next to Fire Hall last week
- Habitat for Humanity– need to make decision on what to zone property to be used for Habitat home
Discussion– Councilman Gruver asked if a Planning Commission meeting needed to be held to make the zoning determination. Chuck Wallace disagreed with the suggested placement of the home to be located on northernmost portion of Village property, but south of Oak St entrance to TH3. This could cause issues being so close to the driveway during large trash day. Day informed Wallace it would cost an extra $20,000 to move utilities if placed any further south. Muehlfeld asked how close to the driveway the home would be. Wallace suggested meeting at 6:30 before the next Council meeting to stake off the desired location of home so everyone could see.
- Soil/Hydro-seed Quote– Received mixed opinions, would like suggestions to move forward or not
Discussion– Wallace stated he sent quote to Dohner four weeks ago and has been waiting on a response. The quote was for the seeding of 15 feet sections between the fence and dugouts of 3 ball fields at Miller Park at a total cost of $5,200. This would prevent flooding on the fields as drainage from the blacktop area runs off during inclement weather. Previous discussion decided Summer Recreation would pay for the dirt portion, and the Village would cover the seeding of 3 fields. Wallace explained hydro-seeding would be an extra cost, but now is the time to do it. VanAusdale asked how many man hours the task would take and was told for one person it would probably be an entire work day. Leslie went on to say she believed this decision was tabled at one point, however she is for improving the park if time allows. Mayor Day added we have talked this to death, and Council has the final say to complete or not. Dohner relayed to Council the Park and Street Departments would be finishing up with brush this week and starting leaf pickup full force in the next few days. Day asked Council if it was fair to say that if the Village has time to get it done, we would in fact get it done. A motion was made.
- Motion to pay for a project to hydro-seeding with Capital Funds to cover 15 ft of 3 infields at Miller Park Diamonds to resolve drainage issues:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Y 2ND |
Motion passes 6-0
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- Credit Card Review- September 16-October 15, 2020
- Budget Review
Denise began going over the lines of the General fund on the 5 year forecast budget worksheet that was handed out to all Council members. After getting through the General fund revenue line items, Mayor Day suggested going home and digesting the draft budget material, which would allow Council members to take a good look and highlight any areas they have questions about. Denise said if anyone had any questions at that moment she would be happy to answer them. Knecht went on to mention the numbers at the bottom of the report reflect the months of carryover for each fund. Leslie VanAusdale asked if there would be enough time to pass the budget if the 1st reading was not completed tonight. Denise responded it may be necessary to pass as an emergency, but it would still be possible to give the budget three readings in that is Council’s intent. Lastly, Denise explained there will most likely be a request to increase appropriations to allocate current budget year funds for the energy charges based on the monthly AMP bills. Carryovers will not be effected, as the expense is already accounted for in the worksheet. Day reiterated he thought it would be a good idea to take the budget worksheet home to observe and take in. Knecht will be available for questions from Council.
Council Discussion:
METALINK- Karnes questioned if anything had been accomplished with Metalink. Dohner responded that Troy’s plan was to call them this week but he believes that fiber already in place will be sufficient.
LMI- Councilman Karnes asked if LMI study has taken place yet. Day said this week would be a good week to go door to door if the weather holds out. Muehlfeld was asked if he was still interested in helping, and he responded he was in.
CARES ACT FUNDING- Leslie VanAusdale asked where we were at after the teleconference Special meeting last week with CARES funding. Denise explained the remaining CARES funds not already encumbered will be expensed from the Coronavirus fund to the General fund in the refund and reimbursements line. However, this cannot be done until all invoices are received for projects passed by Resolution 2020-012. Approximately $124,247.00 is the amount that will be transferred. VanAusdale wants to make sure that amount is not transferred and then absorbed into the general fund without remembering the intended purpose of supporting Coronavirus related purchases.
UPWARD DIGITAL– Councilman Muehlfeld asked about the amount on the Bill’s List intended for Upward Digital as he believed the 50% down payment amount was less. Denise informed Roger that amount included another invoice for service work done on the Village server/hard drive.
STUMPS/LEAVES– Chuck Wallace asked if stump removal was taking place yet. Dohner responded OUPs has been contacted so utilities can be marked. Wallace then inquired about leaf pick-up. Dohner said the goal is to finish brush and yard waste this week. If the weather permits, hopefully a good first round of leaf pick up can be done late this week or early next.
MEMORIAL– Jason Gruver recognized how nice the Memorial for Sharolee Huet Kepler was. Gruver believes the family truly appreciated the effort and dedication of the signs.
FOOD PANTRY/SENIOR CENTER ITEMS– Gruver wanted to know if there was any more discussion with the grocery store regarding the purchase of canned goods or store credit for the Edgerton Food Pantry and/or Edgerton Senior Center. Day replied that he was waiting for word from Ted Hill on what kind of storage the Food Pantry has and how much they would be able to handle receiving at one time.
PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT– Gruver asked what was happening with the playground equipment located behind Town Hall since it was sandblasted and primed. Mayor Day said he had been out painting and found the maroon intended to be used was not dark enough. Jason was worried about the time and money spent so far and keeping with the process of painting so all that effort wouldn’t be ruined if not painted in a timely manner.
Tyler Perry, a resident and business owner in the Edgerton community asked to speak a few words. Mr Perry expressed his disappointed in the lack of knowledge offered from the state and federal governments in relation to the business owners that were negatively impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Mayor Day assured Perry everyone has spent many hours working on ways to help the community in all fashions. It has all been a very frustrating process. Mayor Day offered to assist Perry with making contact with Commissioners Office after the meeting this evening to see if Mr Perry could still apply for a Cares Act funding through the County office.
- Motion to pay bills 10.19.2020
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom |
Y |
Motion passes 6-0
- Motion to adjourn at 8:41 PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger |
Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie |
Y |
Thiel, Dean |
Y |
Wallace, Chuck |
Y |
Gruver, Jason |
Y |
Karnes, Tom |
Motion passes 6-0