Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
July 1, 2019 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Bowsher called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


All Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Charles Butler – Solicitor
  • Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
  • Zachary Dohner – Village Administrator

Media Present:

  • Jeremy Scott – Village Reporter
  • Cindy Thiel – Edgerton Earth
  • Lucas Bechtol – Bryan Times

Public Present:

  • Tyler Perry
  • Kim Stark
  • Evan Stark


Mayor Lance Bowsher opened by saying that Andy Farnham, whom was on the agenda representing the Edgerton Area Foundation, would not be present at tonight’s meeting. Andy would like to discuss the potential collaboration with the Village Council and the Edgerton Area Foundation on projects regarding Miller Park. It was noted that Andy would be on the agenda for the upcoming council meeting on July 15.

  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 06.17.19:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert

Y – 2nd

Wallace, Chuck

Y – Motion

Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0

Discussion Resolution No 2019-005:


  • Motion to approve the 2nd reading of Resolution No 2019-005:

Muehlfeld, Roger                                  


Thiel, Dean

Y – 2nd

Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason

Y – Motion

Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0  

Councilman Bob Day commented that he would like to see the exact value differences before the 3rd and final reading of Resolution 2019-005. Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht said that there is not much of a difference, and she would work to get those numbers for Bob.

  • Motion to accept Andres, O’Neil & Lowe Agency’s recommendation for Town Hall Insurance Coverage: 10,000 sq ft replacement building at approximately $2,000,000 and gym replacement at approximately $1,000,000

Discussion on Motion:

Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht opened the conversation by explaining to Council that after Russ Davies’ visit last council meeting, Council had decided to think on the topic before action was taken. She also commented that the Village staff is looking for a motion to accept the recommendations of Russ Davies and Village Administrator Zach Dohner.

Bob Day questioned the premium differences between the recommended changes. Denise Knecht stated there would not be much of a difference. She then said that the Village is currently insuring Town Hall for roughly 7 million; Russ quoted the Town Hall Building and the Gymnasium for a total of 3 million. Per previous conversations with Russ, Denise and Zach, the current Town Hall Building is not being fully utilized, and by recommendations and considerations presented to Village Administrator Zach Dohner, insurance coverage for a 10,000 sq. ft. replacement building seemed more feasible.

Bob Day followed with comments on potentially bidding out the insurance coverage of the Town Hall and Gymnasium Building. Denise mentioned that the Village recently reinstituted a contract with Andres, O’Neil and Lowe that has a length of 3 years. Bob questioned when the contract would expire and Denise told him that the Village renewed our contract just a few months ago.

Tyler Perry, a member of the public present for the council meeting, said that he wanted to know what the difference of the premiums would be as well.

Council Member Jackie Perry explained it would be beneficial to get the premium differences for the current coverage of the Town Hall Building versus the recommendations of Russ with Andres, O’Neil and Lowe. Jackie also commented that if the premiums are significantly different based on our current situation with the gymnasium and Miller Park Shelter house, council could potentially look into taking the monies they would be using to ensure the gymnasium and have it put into the Miller Park Shelter House so it may be utilized more.

Denise Knecht followed by rephrasing the requests of Council on the premiums to ensure her and Zach would be asking for the correct information from Russ with Andres, O’Neil and Lowe. Council member Chuck Wallace mentioned that he is definitely against the current 7 million dollar insurance coverage of the Town Hall and Gymnasium Building. Public Member Tyler Perry commented once more that he wants more information on the premiums. Mayor Lance Bowsher intervened stating that there will be time for the public to speak at the end of the meeting.

Village Administrator Zach Dohner summed up the conversations on the insurance coverage options and said that he and Denise would be looking into it and would inform Council of their findings.

Mayor Lance Bowsher then commented that this motion would be tabled until further information on the premiums are gathered.

Motion is tabled per Mayor Lance Bowsher, No Votes Taken

Muehlfeld, Roger


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


No Action Taken

Mayor Lance Bowsher asked Village Administrator Zach Dohner to proceed with his update.

Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:

  • East and West Hull Street Projects: Zach was happy to announce that after receiving no bids for the projects and requesting an extension from Donna Kirkbride with Ohio Public Works Commission, the Village was granted an extension, and would not lose the grant monies for the projects. Zach stated the new bid date ranges are 9/15/19 through 11/15/19 and construction dates of 2/1/20 through 5/31/20. Zach also commented that he has been in contact with Poggemeyer to ensure this will be ready as those dates approach.
  • 2019 OPWC Grant Application: Zach commented after multiple conversations with Poggemeyer and OPWC, based on how well the Village scored on Business Alley East for grant funding, they believe Business Alley West would have the highest potential to score well. Zach commented that with the alley’s road surface condition, along with travel extending from businesses, the post office and residential homes, he believes it would score well on the local level as well.
  • Asset Management: Zach had the Asset Management Plan on USB Drives for council which he had already passed out per the request of several members of council. He followed with comments that if there were any changes on the plan that Council would have to bring the USB’s back to him so he may update the files.
  • High Temperatures: Zach relayed the message to Council that he had discussions with Village Supervisors that as the temperatures continue to rise, how important it is to stay hydrated. With that in mind, if forecasted weather was to be exceedingly hot, he approved of Village Employees coming in early and leaving early to avoid working in the extreme temperatures if possible.
  • 2019 Capital Storm Water Improvements: Zach took a moment to touch on some Capital Improvement items that he and Kip Pahl, Public Works Superintendent, had discussed recently. In an effort to alleviate standing water in several areas of Miller Park and throughout the Village, Kip and Zach agreed to utilize the $40,000 approved in capital funds for Storm Main Projects and the $10,000 for Catch Basin Repair/Replacement addressing two areas of concern. Combined, these current capital funds are at $49,000. These areas include blockages of the main storm tile that runs through the Village from Elm Street to W. Sargent Street, and an area in the Riverbend addition by the Walker Residence. Zach commented that he and Kip believed it would be most efficient if this project were to be bid out to contractors to complete both areas. Zach deems bidding the project out more reasonable due to the work load currently on the Village team’s shoulders and how behind they are due to large amounts of rain in the past months.

Discussion on 2019 Capital Storm Water Improvements:

Bob Day commented that the issue behind the Walker residence has gone on long enough. Bob referenced emails from previous Administrators on the issues at the Walker Residence. Bob went on to comment that everything is dry enough now for work to be done, and Village employees should be catching up, if not caught up. Village Administrator Zach Dohner commented that staff is working diligently in their respected departments due to all the delays with rain and bad weather and still have a ways to go. Zach followed by going back to the solution he and Kip discussed on the storm water tile to describe how this would not only help the Walkers, but Miller Park and other residents throughout with drainage issues.

Chuck Wallace intervened that he does not see why this project has to be bid out. Chuck questioned Zach if he believed that the Village crew was not capable of handling the task and that Zach and Kip told Council that all the new tools would make it so they could do this type of work. Zach responded that he believes firmly that the Village team is more than capable of the work. Zach added by pulling the entire team away from their daily tasks, this would put them further behind on tasks such as chipping and mowing. For example, it takes staff around 3 days to chip brush every week; and that doesn’t include mowing. Zach felt that the Village is already struggling to keep up as it is due to our current situations; he does not want to add to the work load at this time. The tools the Village purchased such as the locator and camera, help isolated the problems so contractors and the Village know where to dig. Zach also added that these tools were used to isolate the blockages to the Walker Residence and the Elm/Sargent Street locations. Without these tools, the Village would have paid contractors for their time to isolate and diagnose the issues.

Bob Day commented that this still does not address the front of Mr. Walker’s driveway. Bob questioned Zach if he believed Village staff has the knowledge to fix this issue. Zach said he has the utmost confidence in his team, and Bob followed telling Zach it needs fixed.


Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • Financials for June, 2019 – The Bank Reconciliation is balanced as of today. Once reporting is complete later this week you will be receiving an email with the information and we will request sign off at the next meeting.
  • RITA retainer refund for 2018 – in accordance with the Regional Council of Governments’ Participation Agreement, the allocation of 2018 costs for income tax collections has been computed. Edgerton received a refund in the amount of $16,172.00 on 6/28/19.
  • Records Commission Meeting – August 19th, 2019 at 6:45PM, before the Regular Council Meeting at 7:00PM.


Council Discussion:

Chuck Wallace began the conversation after Jackie and Jason had no comments. Chuck’s conversation was based off adding the 200 blocks to the East and West Hull Street Projects. He believes that a majority of the work needs to be done on the West 200 Block, but suggested only doing a surface repaving of the road; rather than the underground work like the original project. Chuck questioned the age of the infrastructure, but with no prior acknowledgement of what he was going to discuss, Zach nor Denise was able to provide the age of the infrastructure. Overall, Chuck recommended not pursuing the Business Alley West Project and instead suggested the Village pursue extending the East and West Hull Street Projects with only resurfacing work. Denise Knecht commented that Poggemeyer has already done some of the work for Business Alley West with prior Administration. Zach Dohner also commented that he still likes Business Alley West based on the communications with Poggemeyer and OPWC.

Chuck commented that the Gerhart Park Ball Field Tournaments are pretty much done, and that Kip and his crew can go ahead and remove the caution tape and barrels. He believes the All-Stars are still going to practice there. Chuck remarked that nothing has been done with the approach that collects water at Gerhart that was supposed to be filled. He personally measured and stated the dip is well outside of the well protection radius. Zach Dohner stated that the Village is not making movement until the EPA approves the grinding materials be used.

Chuck asked about what is being done with the sand blowing around at Miller Park. He said that he personally swept the sand up and it needs to be taken care of. Chuck told Zach that he should have one of the park teams clean this up.

Bob Day was next to add to council discussion with the topic of a police officer. Bob asked Mayor Lance Bowsher if there were any applications for the now open position at the Police Department. Lance responded that they have received a couple at this time.

Bob then asked Zach about the status of the caustic room at the water plant and what the status was. Zach mentioned that Kip has been working vigorously on the room to be in compliance with the EPA, and it is good. Bob asked why the EPA was present and at the water plant, and Denise responded that this is part of an annual check.

Bob Day also made it public that he will also be running for Mayor this coming year.

Dean Thiel had a couple questions on the bills list in regards to a pump purchase and a few parts. Zach answered that his questions were for parts of the main lift station.

Roger Muehlfeld said thank you to Zach for getting the Asset Management Plan on the USB Drives for Council. He also asked Zach if he had heard anything about the individuals throwing trash out behind their house. Zach replied that Chuck never gave him the address after reaching out several times. Chuck did not respond with the address.

Once council discussion had concluded at 7:32pm, Mayor Lance Bowsher opened the floor for members of the public to discuss items with the Council.


Public Discussion:

Mayor Lance Bowsher first addressed Tyler Perry asking if he had any comments.

Tyler began with discussion of public use for the Town Hall Building. He wanted to know what the upstairs was being utilized for. The Mayor told Tyler that it is used for storage. Tyler countered asking why the Village doesn’t utilize the space more, and the Mayor answered that the challenge is that it is not ADA compliant. Bob Day commented that it goes back to how much is the Village willing to invest when it is known this building is aging. Bob does not want another former Town Hall mess or the Village pumping money into a facility that will not be used in the future. Zach Dohner also commented that there are several signs this building is critically aging. There was some conversation with Chuck referencing a schedule of maintenance back when Dale Mathys was the Administrator and how that had stopped over time as well.

Lance Bowsher then asked Evan Stark if he had anything to mention. Evan stood and informed council that he was here to receive his Merit Badge for attending a public meeting. Mayor Bowsher thanked him for coming.

  • Motion to pay bills for 07.01.19:

Muehlfeld, Roger

Y – Motion

Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck

Y – 2nd

Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0

  • Motion enter into executive session for employment and compensation of a public employee at 7:40PM :

Muehlfeld, Roger


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert

Y – 2nd

Wallace, Chuck

Y – Motion

Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0

  • Motion to exit executive session 7:50 PM:

Muehlfeld, Roger


Thiel, Dean

Y – 2nd

Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck

Y – Motion

Gruver, Jason


Perry, Jackie


Motion Passed 6-0

  • Motion to adjourn at 7:50 PM:

Muehlfeld, Roger


Thiel, Dean


Day, Robert


Wallace, Chuck


Gruver, Jason

Y – 2nd

Perry, Jackie

Y – Motion

Motion Passed 6-0