Fire Department

Scott K. Blue

Scott K. Blue

Fire Chief

Robert A. Adkins

Robert A. Adkins

Assistant Fire Chief

The Edgerton Fire Department is an ISO Class 4 rated department protecting The Village of Edgerton, St Joseph Township, North ½ of Milford Township and West 1/3 of Center Township, totaling 90 square miles.  We are a volunteer department with a part time fire chief and are allowed up to 35 volunteers, currently operating with a 20 member department at this time.  We operate six trucks out of two stations, allowing us to have protection either side of the busy Norfolk and Southern Railroad main line.  We have a strong relationship with all surrounding departments through automatic aid on all structure fires and mutual aid for any other needs beyond our capabilities.

We are trained in all facets of emergency services including firefighting, hazardous materials, confined space rescue, incident command, investigation-cause and origin, severe weather, aircraft emergencies, railroad emergencies, water rescue, electrical emergencies, homeland security, basic first aid, CPR, AED, landing zones, EMS assist, Law Enforcement assist, evacuations. Any emergency not covered by another agency usually gets assigned to the fire service to get help started. Our training is ongoing with local training, county school, regional schools, Ohio Fire Academy, and specialized training classes offered on a never ending cycle. To quote from our training manual “Firefighters are not extraordinary-they are ordinary people who often find themselves in extraordinary situations. They cannot do everything at once and they and the public must accept this fact. Bringing any emergency situation to a SAFE conclusion requires Knowledge, Ability and Skill.”

It is the duty of every fire department to practice life safety, incident stabilization and property conservation.  To this end and hoping to avoid the fire, the Edgerton Fire Department is very active in fire prevention.  During Fire Prevention Week many programs are held for the children and the public.  But fire safety is year-round, so anytime it is requested we do station tours, industry or business fire extinguisher training, business walk-through inspections and we will do residential walk-throughs on request.

After a tragic fire in 2019 the Edgerton Fire Department partnered with the American Red Cross to do smoke alarm survey and installation. To this end, we have installed in excess of 700 smoke alarms within the fire district. To be added to the smoke alarm list please call 419-298-2552 and leave your name, address and phone number. We will return your call. The smoke alarms and the installation are totally free of charge.

We are the much quoted 24/7, and to be who we are requires training on top of desire and commitment.  If you are interested in joining your family, friends or neighbors on the Edgerton Fire Department, pick up an application at the Edgerton Fire Station or the Village Offices. Thank you for considering the Edgerton Fire Department as a way of making a difference in our community. The Village of Edgerton is an equal opportunity employer.

Thank You,

Scott K. Blue, Chief

Edgerton Fire Department 

Fire Chief Responsibilities: Under the oral or written direction of the Mayor and Village Administrator to manage, lead, supervise, plan and direct all activities of the Fire Department while exercising discretion and independent judgment.  Also functions as the Village’s director of emergency management and administers the Village’s emergency operations plan.  The Fire Chief also functions as the Village’s Safety Director and administers the Village’s safety plan.