Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

6 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator; Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant

Media Present:

  • Lucas Bechtol- The Bryan Times; Cindy Thiel- The Edgerton Earth; Dan Cooley- The Village Reporter
  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 02.01.22:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck YM
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

Mayor Day read a Proclamation that designated February 1-28 as Career and Technical Education Month.

Mayor Day, Administrator Fitzcharles, Denise Knecht, Chief Plotts and Council took a recess and exited Council chambers at 7:03pm for the purpose of an executive session.

  • Motion to enter into executive session for the acquisition of property at 7:04PM :
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to exit executive session at 7:33PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

All re-entered Council chambers at 7:34pm and resumed regular Council meeting.

Police Chief Report by Gary Plotts:

  • Respectfully requests hire of Byron Adams to serve as Village chaplain to police, fire & all Village employees
  • Presented handout to Council of new uniform patches unique to Village PD; designed by Tribune Printing
  • New cruiser getting decals & should be out on road next week; 2nd cruiser should be done first of next month then go to receive decals
  • CPR training last Saturday by Bennie Thomas; all but a couple attended
  • Preparing for next week which will bring 2 state agencies in for audit
  • Requesting employment status change from probationary to regular for 4 PD employees later in meeting
  • Received grant for CPT (continuing professional training) in amount of $2396.04 from Ohio Attorney General

Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:

  • Presented power point presentation proposal of funding from Williams County Board of Commissioners
  • Will be attending OMEA conference in Washington D.C with Mayor Day during March 1st meeting; requesting to reschedule meeting
  • Motion to rescheduled regular Council meeting on March 1st to Monday, March 7 @ 7:00pm:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • January 2022 financials
  • 2021 financial report & Hinkle report ready to upload to Auditor’s website
  • Motion to pay bills 02.15.22:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y2
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

Park Board Committee Update by Bob Day:

  • New members, Bill Swank & Cameron Cochran
  • New equipment installed 2.21.22
  • Jennifer from Rita’s Family Dining organizing fundraiser for Park Board on March 8, 4-7p.m.; there will be items for silent auction with percentage going to repair/update picnic pavilion at Miller Park

Tree Commission Meeting Update by Bob Day:

  • Looking to add new member
  • Asplundh Tree Service in town longer than expected allowing 8 additional trees to be removed in 2022 budget; will need appropriations for additional funds for stump removal and tree replacement

DISCUSSION: PD hire of Byron Adams- Chief Plotts requested hire of Byron Adams as Village chaplain, spoke with Chief Blue who is in support of hire as well.

  • Motion to hire Byron Adams as probationary part-time Village chaplain available to all departments at $16:00 effective 1/1/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 6-0

DISCUSSION: Removal of employees from probation-

  • Police- Justin Coffman; Sergeant as of 2/17/2022
  • Police- Matt Roesel; part-time patrolman 2/17/2022
  • Police- Tracy Harding; part-time patrolman 2/17/2022
  • Police- Bennie Thomas; part-time PD/EMS medic 2/17/2022
  • Water/Sewer- Eugene Wilson; full-time water/sewer Operator I as of 3/1/2022
  • Motion to reclassify employee status from probationary to full-time for Justin Coffman as of 2/17/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Karnes, Tom YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to reclassify employee status from probationary to part-time for Matt Roesel as of 2/17/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to reclassify employee status from probationary to part-time for Tracy Harding as of 2/17/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck YM
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to reclassify employee status from probationary to part-time for Bennie Thomas as of 2/17/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to reclassify employee status from probationary to full-time for Eugene Wilson as of 3/1/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y2
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

DISCUSSION: FD volunteer employee hire- Devin Johnson, certified volunteer firefighter already been through training and hiring process.

  • Motion to hire Devin Johnson as volunteer firefighter at $11.67/hr as of 2/14/2022:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

DISCUSSION: Ohio Attorney General CPT Funding FY 2022- Received $2396.04 from State Attorney General office. Once accepted monies can be appropriated in order to expend.

  • Motion to accept Ohio Attorney General CPT Funding FY 2022 in the amount of $2,396.04 for training requirements:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 6-0

DISCUSSION: Sub-recipient agreement between Williams County Board of Commissioners and Village of Edgerton for ARPA ACT funding – Commissioners committed to $300,000, this agreement has been through legal and no issues are expected.

  • Motion to approve sub-recipient agreement between Williams County Board of Commissioners and Village of Edgerton for ARPA ACT funding:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y2
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

DISCUSSION: Supplement Ordinance 1094- Referenced throughout meeting for various purposes including police grant, trees, water tower, additional funding needed for professional expenses.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1094:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck YM
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

DISCUSSION: New Fund Resolution 2022-002- Establish separate fund by requirements of ORC at the request of Williams County Board of Commissioners for American Rescue Plan funds sub-granted from Commissioners.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Resolution No 2022-002:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 6-0

Council Discussion:

Mayor Day thanked Dawn for all of the hard work and dedication put into her job.

Fitzcharles informed Council that the environmental phase has been completed for Oak Street sidewalk project and should be brought to Council in 3-4 weeks to approve bid process. Poggemeyer is in preliminary engineering and mapping phase.

  • Motion to enter into executive session for the acquisition of property, discuss employment of public employees and imminent litigation at 8:23PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

  • Motion to exit executive session at 9:03PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y2
Gruver, Jason YM
Karnes, Tom Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0

No action Taken.

Council Discussion:

After executive session at 9:03pm, Council member Wallace requested a joint meeting between the St. Joe Township Trustees, The Village of Edgerton and the Cemetery Board to present current and future plans which include an increase replacement tax levy and the creation of a fulltime cemetery employee. This presentation will be held on March 7th at 7pm in council chambers by the Cemetery Board.

  • Motion to adjourn at 9:12PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Karnes, Tom YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck Y2
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 6-0