Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
6 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Chris Walker – Law Director
- Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer
- Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator
- Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant
Media Present:
- Cindy Thiel, The Edgerton Earth
- Lucas Bechtol, The Bryan Times
Public Present:
- Justin Coffman
- Kermit Riehle
- Russ Davies
- Crystal Meyer
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 07.20.21 :
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Crystal Meyer, Executive Director from Northern Buckeye Health Plan- presented an overview of Northern Buckeye Health Plan and the impact and benefits for the Village of Edgerton. NBHP takes care of shopping the market for the Village every 2-3 years. Annual savings for the Village when the switch was made in 2016 is in excess of $52,000. Free Health & Wellness clinics, ACA compliance forms, online enrollment, and Teladoc services are a few of the services included in the group plan at no cost. The administrative team located in Archbold, Ohio is readily available to assist with any questions clients have. 2021 saw the highest rate increase in many years, due to extremely high claimants in the last few years. Data through July will be used to set rates for 2022.
Russ Davies from Andres, O’Neil, & Lowe- presented a property and liability insurance update. Andres has represented the Village for multiple decades, and within the last 3 years has become a part of the Public Entities Pool (PEP). Through the agency the Village liabilities that are covered include general, auto, law enforcement, public officials, and property. There are currently 3 huge impacts effecting the insurance world including social inflation, attention on law enforcement and cyber vulnerability. This year’s renewal session may be fairly intense to attempt to maintain security and cost. October or November is typically the time frame to know which direction things are heading as far as rate increases. A smooth renewal period is anticipated in January.
Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:
- Application process has been started for Water Supply Revolving Loan account– Ohio EPA program for Water Tower Rehabilitation projects anticipated to start next year; deadline of September 1st.
- House Bill 168- apply for funding in State’s budget to be utility for water & sewer infrastructure including water tower repair; deadline of August 27; attending meeting with Denise Thursday, August 5 with County Engineer
- Get Comfortable Heating will begin removing load management devices next week August 9
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- July 2021 Financials are complete, will be e-mailed to Council and ready to be signed off on at the next Council meeting.
- ARPA funds– applied for grant, approved and received ½ of $209,397.37 on July 29th; requested amended certificate from Auditor’s office-approved and returned August 2, still learning how to it can be spent.
Mayor Update by Robert Day
- Delay in Homecoming celebration gave opportunity to update a few thing; big thanks to Doug Imm for being the lead on the bandstand and how great it looks. Doug’s leadership was appreciated as well as all employees’ willingness to step in and assist.
- Park Board Committee Meeting on August 11 at 5:00 pm
- Motion to give 2nd reading to Resolution No 2021-007:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y 2ND |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
DISCUSSION: CRA- At the last meeting Council approved the 1st reading. This is the information that Mr Walker prepared. Jason Gruver questioned if the Housing Council board had been reviewed yet. Mr Walker said it can be reviewed at any point. Mr Day said we will look into it.
- Motion to give 2nd reading for Ordinance No 1085:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y MOTION |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y 2ND |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Discussion: Council previously awarded a contract to Vernon Nagel Inc. for the Laubach Drive Drainage Improvement Project off of Sacher St. Vernon Nagel Inc has asked the Village to consider extending the contractual completion date from September 30 to November 30, 2021 as well as the final payment date from October 15, 2021 to June 1, 2022. Weather has delayed the company’s schedule and they are having issue receiving materials for the project. A contractual decrease of $7,500 has been offered to the Village. Following spring of 2022, the company has also offered to come back and restore at their cost. Gruver questioned grant funding. Donna Kirkbride with OPWC has approved the extension. Wallace asked what will happen to the budget. Because the purchase order is already in so it will carry forward in to 2022 until the money is expended.
- Motion to approve change order #1 for Laubach Drive Drainage Improvements Project:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y MOTION |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Discussion: Monday it was discovered that the Industrial Water Tower located by Stark Truss had sprung a leak. The sludge ring located at the bottom of the bowl that is welded and a seal has gave loose. A project is scheduled to be completed on the water tower in 3 weeks. Currently the water tower is out of service and large customers have been notified. There should not be an impact to businesses and/or residents. We have been working with the EPA and the engineering firm to get a plan in place. We have negotiated with our contractor to come fix our tower on Monday. Until they get here, the cost is unknown. Engineering has estimated that the repair will not exceed $10,000. Typically a change order would come before Council, because this is an emergency situation and the amount is not known we are asking for a motion to approve emergency repair on the Industrial Water Tower with D & M Painting, not to exceed $10,000. Once Dawn is aware of more information, she will relay that to Council.
- Motion to approve additional emergency repair for Industrial Water Tower Project with D & M Painting, not to exceed $10,000:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Council Discussion:
Tom Karnes confirmed the Park Board Committee meeting was at 5:00 pm on August 11.
- Motion to pay bills 08.03.21:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y MOTION |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y 2ND |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to enter into executive session for discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline or dismissal of a public employee/employees @ 7:47PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to exit executive session @ 8:29PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y MOTION |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Action taken after executive session:
Administrator Fitzcharles announced the resignation of Daniel Griffin as Police Chief and requested a reclassification to Patrolman as of July 30, 2021.
- Motion to accept the resignation of Daniel Griffin, Police Chief, as of July 30, 2021 and approve the reclassification to patrolman:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y MOTION |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Since we have a vacancy in our Police Chief position Administrator Fitzcharles requested for approval to advertise the position with advertisement being open until August 31, 2021. Also with the current vacancy within the department, the request was made to advertise for a full time Patrolman position and part time patrolman.
- Motion to approve the Village Administrator to advertise for a full-time Police Chief:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y MOTION |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to approve the Village Administrator to advertise for a full-time Patrolman:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y MOTION |
Thiel, Dean | Y 2ND |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Also with the vacancy of our Police Chief position, Village Administrator and Mayor recommend that Sergeant Matthew Krill be appointed as interim Police Chief to handle the administrative duties until we have a permanent plan in place.
- Motion to appoint Sergeant Matthew Krill as interim Police Chief immediately, subject to compensation and employment agreement to be defined by the Village Administrator and Mayor:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y MOTION |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y 2ND |
Karnes, Tom | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Chuck Wallace questioned if either the Mayor or the Village Administrator will be present for the Tree Commission Meeting on Thursday morning at 7:00AM. The Tree Commission’s current focus is naming which trees need to be taken down and feel that meeting is important to make progress. Dawn will be attending the meeting.
- Motion to adjourn at 8:37PM:
Muehlfeld, Roger | Y 2ND |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Thiel, Dean | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Karnes, Tom | Y MOTION |
Motion PASSES 6-0