Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Friday, February 24, 2022 at 3:00 PM

  • Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 3:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
  • Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
  • Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

5 Members Present

Other Village Representatives Present:

  • Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator; Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant; Gary Plotts – Police Chief

Media Present:

  • Lucas Bechtol – The Bryan Times

Public Present:

  • None


  • Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 02.21.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y2
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:

  • Motion to pay bills 02.24.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y2
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Spillman MOU- Williams County Board of Commissioners have requested the Edgerton Police Department to sign on with Memorandum of Understanding to access Spillman reporting system under Williams County umbrella. Chief Plotts sits on board with group of Police Chiefs that put this agreement together. This new system provides more successful & accurate reporting and gives access to a master name list among participating Williams County agencies. Spillman Mobile training was provided at no cost courtesy of Williams County Commissioners. The goal is to have everyone in the county under this master reporting system so all departments can work together.

  • Motion to approve Memorandum of Understanding with Williams County Board of County Commissioners, Williams County Central Communications, Williams County IT Department, and the Williams County Sheriff’s Office and Edgerton Police Department and authorizing Chief Plotts to execute related terms of agreement:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

AMP Thermostat Ordinance- 3RD reading of Ord #1116: Smart thermostat program– Opt in program previously presented to Council-will provide our community with energy savings specifically on peak energy days. This is the 3rd reading to authorize participation in the program.


  • Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1116:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance YM
VanAusdale, Leslie Y2
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Police Department resignation- We received the resignation due to retirement of Police Department employee, Sargent Steve Suchocki. This resignation will be effective immediately. Suchocki has requested to be paid for unused accrued personal and vacation time until April 4, 2023 which is his date of retirement through Police and Fire.

  • Motion to approve resignation/retirement of Police Department employee Steven Suchocki effective 02.24.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y2
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Office employee employment status change- Hayley Kimpel, probationary part-time Administrative Intern trainee through Edgerton Schools, has completed her 6-month probationary term. We are asking for approval to remove Hayley from probation. Hayley’s plans are undetermined as to if she will continue working with the Village through the summer of 2023.

  • Motion to approve employment status reclassification of Hayley Kimpel from probationary part-time administrative intern trainee to regular part-time administrative intern trainee effective 02.24.23:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

Police dept advertisement- With the resignation/retirement of Police Department employee, Fitzcharles requested approval to advertise for the vacant position in the Police Department.

  • Motion to allow Village Administrator to advertise for open Police department position:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

  • Motion to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee under ORC 121.22(G)(1) at 3:13 PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason YM
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie Y
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0

Council requested Chief Gary Plotts to stay for executive session.

  • Motion to exit executive session at 3:32 PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y2
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y

Motion PASSES 5-0

No action taken.

  • Motion to adjourn at 3:32 PM:
Blinzler, Sharon                              Y
Gruver, Jason Y
Bowsher, Lance Y
VanAusdale, Leslie YM
Wallace, Chuck ABSENT
Wampler, Pam Y2

Motion PASSES 5-0