Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
6 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Chris Walker – Law Director; Denise Knecht – Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles – Village Administrator; Amanda Herman – Administrative Assistant; Gary Plotts – Police Chief; Ashley Eberly – Police Department
Media Present:
- Liam Jackson- The Bryan Times; Anna Wozniak- The Village Reporter
Public Present:
- Gary Hunter – US Route 6
- Brayelyn, Piper, Hunter Eberly
- Ron Sechler, Rita Sechler
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 05.10.2023:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y2 |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Gary Hunter- US Route 6 presentation: Gary is part of the US Route 6 Tourist Association, a not-for-profit corporation that is dedicated to the cultural preservation and economic development of inner cities, small towns and rural communities located along Route 6. US Route 6 is the oldest, longest, and highest transcontinental highway in the U.S. and carries many nicknames such as Roosevelt Highway, Grand Army of the Republic and Grand Old Highway. Total length of the road is 3,652 miles that stretches from Provincetown, Massachusetts to Long Beach, California.
Mayor Update by Robert Day:
- 2023 Senior Community work day was a success
- Thanks to Village employees for cleanup of the downtown for Memorial Day parade
- Kudos to baseball, softball and track teams that made historical run towards state including 2 podium finishes at state track for one individual
- Proclamation for Parkview Operating Care Center; June 16th will be Christina Adams day as she retires after 35 years
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- The May 2023 financial reports are uploaded to the O drive for Council review as well as sent out by email. Please confirm receipt of this information by signing the document being circulated.
- Annual RITA retainer reconciliation– In accordance with the Regional Council of Governments’ Participation Agreement, the allocation of 2022 costs for income tax collections has been computed. Your municipality’s percentage of cost of collections in 2022 was 1.34%. This means that for every $100 of taxes collected for your municipality, only $1.34 went to the administrative cost of collections, registration, auditing, compliance, record retention, etc.
- The cost of our tax services is detailed on the reconciliation document located on the O drive. The retainer refund was received on 5/31/2023 in the amount of $23,170.
- Motion to pay bills 06.06.2023:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y2 |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Police Chief Update by Gary Plotts:
- Lexipol policies & procedures still being worked through by Mr Walker
- Request status change for Fabian Aguilar from probationary to regular full-time patrolman following 6-month probationary period; Fabian is great asset for PD and the community
- Request promotion for Ashley Eberly from regular full-time patrol officer to Sergeant patrol officer
- Jaxx is doing well, gaining weight finally and has an appointment with the vet tomorrow
- Motion to approve status change request for Police Department employee to regular full-time status for Fabian Aguilar:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Bowsher, Lance | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to approve reclassification of Police Department employee Ashley Eberly from full-time patrolman to Sergeant patrol Police officer:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y2 |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | YM |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
CRA Committee meeting 6/5/23: Administrator Fitzcharles stated CRA committee met to consider and discuss the approval of 3 residential applications. All 3 applications were approved.
Summer Intern- Dawn has been working with Edgerton school district for intern positions, 2 students have served in the office thus far, previously discussed bringing in labor position to assist in street, water, sewer, storm & parks to begin developing these avenues; 2 potential students for this position to start in August. In meantime, interested intern applicant from June 12-August 7 to work on project list put together by Dawn and superintendents. Items that need attention but haven’t had time to get to, including a fire hydrant painting/marking project for GIS.
- Motion to hire intern Zachary Herrington at $11.50 from June 16-August 7, 2023 to complete special project list for general, parks, water, sewer departments:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | YM |
Wampler, Pam | Y2 |
Motion PASSES 6-0
GPD Group proposal- As most know, we own and operate our own electric distribution system including several major components, serviced by Toledo Edison with 69kv line that runs in to our substation and stepped down to 12.47kv; From time to time we require engineering assistance regarding new equipment installations, review of system operations, trouble shooting and analysis of problems within the system and equipment, and other incidental items that occur due to the operation of a distribution system. Therefore, we recommend the Village enter into a General Engineering Agreement with GPD to allow the superintendent the ability to obtain this engineering assistance easily and quickly on an as needed basis. This is standard industry practice to have a firm on retainer. GPD designed the substation, provided construction oversight. Their most recent project with us was completed earlier this year with the 69kV breaker and relay project. The retainer is to not exceed $10,000 per year per the fee schedule. Engineering work items may include, but would not be limited to: Equipment installation assistance, Equipment failure analysis, Fault analysis, Fault current studies to provide the available fault current at locations on the system GPD Group, Fuse sizing and relay coordination issues, System studies or reviews, new customer service equipment sizing
- Motion to approve GPD Group proposal for General Engineering Services:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y2 |
Motion PASSES 6-0
H2Ohio Grant- We have been awarded the H2Ohio Equipment grant. The FCS LMIC Leak Noise Amplification System is a lightweight handheld unit that will be used to detect and locate leaks within our water distribution system. Aviation-grade headphones allow operators the ability to listen for and/or confirm the position of leaks transmitted in the pipeline through both hard and soft ground surfaces. The Dynasonics portable Flow Meter will be used to monitor and troubleshoot liquid flow issues in order to provide accurate readings. This device will be primarily used at the water plant to test low service pumps that feed the sand filters. It will also test high service pumps that feed the water tower. Flow readings can be quickly verified or data logged to observe flow system values over an extended period of time. The Village does not possess either of these systems, currently. Both systems will allow the Village to be more efficient within our water distribution system. We ask for Councils approval to execute the agreement and appropriate the dollars so that the equipment can be purchased.
- Motion to approve Ohio EPA H2Ohio Equipment Grant agreement:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y2 |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Healing Communities- This funding is available for us to purchase Narcan for our village vehicles and to have on hand for distribution if needed. The $5,000 that we have been awarded through the University of Cincinnati and Ohio State University will be to purchase Narcan kits, PPE and locked facilities for our village crews through Ohio Central Pharmacy. The opportunity was made available to us by recommendation of the Williams County health department and the Ohio Healing Communities project and Project Dawn. Crews will have access to Narcan. We decided to pursue this opportunity for a multitude of reasons. Mainly for the protection of our employees and to help the community. Dawn will be in charge of the intake and dispensing processes. The group we are working with is leading us every step of the way.
- Motion to approve Ohio HEALing Communities for project DAWN through The University of Cincinnati and The Ohio State University:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | YM |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Resolution 2023-009: This is our annual resolution. Information comes from the County Auditor as far as general fund and fire levy tax base to be collected is located on Schedule A of the resolution. Numbers are up just a bit from last year. Council signatures are needed before submission to the County Auditor. We are well ahead of the deadline to submit.
- Motion to pass and adopt Resolution No 2023-009:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y2 |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
2023 Supplement: We are asking for estimated increase of $5,000 in general fund for Narcan revenue to be received, and to be expensed out of general fund operating materials and supplies. The second item is for the $10,000 H2Ohio grant for water equipment discussed earlier and will be expensed out of water Capital.
- Motion to pass and adopt Ordinance No 1123:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y2 |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Pam Wampler stated Oak Street is looking much better with the addition of the Port Authority home.
Jason Gruver brought up a previously discussed topic of purchasing a larger vehicle for Village use. Something to think about with the likelihood of carrying passengers that visit Edgerton.
Gruver also stated with all of the projects going on and grants being obtained, it might be in our best interest to budget for some extra help in the office. Thank goodness we have it all going on but it is liable to really tax the individuals that are working on the documentation.
Third item of discussion is the storm sewer impervious surface study. Fitzcharles informed Council that a part of the GIS is being able to utilize that information in order to avoid paying someone to figure the surface areas, as that can be very expensive. Trevor was trained before he left, but 3 employees are going to be trained tomorrow. We are also in the process of purchasing the equipment needed so we are just now picking it back up.
- Motion to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee under ORC 121.22(G)(1) 7:55PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y2 |
Wallace, Chuck | NO |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 5-1
- Motion to exit executive session 8:17PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | YM |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y2 |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Action taken after executive session.
- Motion to accept resignation of Gary Plotts, Police Chief as of June 16, 2023:
Blinzler, Sharon | YM |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | NO |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y2 |
Motion PASSES 5-1
- Motion to advertise for open Police Chief full-time position:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y2 |
Wampler, Pam | YM |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to adjourn at 8:19PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y2 |
Motion PASSES 6-0