Village of Edgerton Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM
- Mayor Day called the meeting to order at 5:30PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer.
- Y – Yes, N – No, A – Abstain, Abs – Absent
- Roll Call:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
6 Members Present
Other Village Representatives Present:
- Denise Knecht- Fiscal Officer; Dawn Fitzcharles- Village Administrator (via phone); Amanda Knecht- Admin Assistant; Ken Jacob- Police Chief; Matt Krill- Police Captain
Media Present:
- Cindy Thiel- The Edgerton Earth; Liam Jackson- The Bryan Times; Anna Wozniak- The Village Reporter
Public Present:
- Troy Nihart, Carl Yarger
- Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes from 10.04.23:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Employee of the Month- Troy Nihart: Troy is a 1989 graduate of EHS and has been a Village employee for 25 years (22 years in electric department). During the power issue in June last year, AMP’s crew came in and ran infrared on lines and stated it was the 1st time they’ve ran lines and not had any major issues. Troy is first recipient of new Employee of the Month recognition.
Advancement of the Arts Award- Carl Yarger: 1969 graduate of EHS, talents graciously shared with the Village shown on mural on side of Rita’s family dining and both water towers designs. Caricature art has been displayed in several homes such as Jack Nicholas, Archie Griffin, Arnold Palmer and Troy Smith. Carl stated he was part of the very 1st art class his senior year at EHS. We appreciate Carl for all of his talented work that he has donated to the Village.
Mayor Update by Robert Day:
- Movement & action at Edgerton Metals property; fencing has been placed, starting with some testing
- Saturday, January 6, 2024 there will be a High School basketball game here at TH3 against Eastside
Administrator Update by Dawn Fitzcharles:
- Thank you for allowing to participate by phone, currently in Columbus at OML legislative meetings
- Edgerton Metals project officially kicked off this past Monday, phone call with project manager today and everything is going as it should, residents are inquiring about what is going on and the important thing to remember is that there are many pieces and parts of this project, activity slated to continue through 2025
- ODOT pedestrian improvement and paving project underway, currently working through agreement with engineering consultant; funding for roughly 90% of engineering, VOE responsible for estimated cost of $22,611
- Natureworks ADA project @ Gerhart is complete and ready to be closed once the transfer is finished
- H2Ohio EPA Grant products have been received and payment submitted
- Miller Park / Gerhart fencing and scoreboard pole maintenance project over next few weeks in order for scoreboard equipment to be placed correctly
- Leaf pick-up underway and will continue for at least the next month
- No responses to RFQ as of Friday but will have more information for Council soon
Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
- Credit Card policy review & signature
- Natureworks Grant- advance from Natureworks fund back to General fund- all-inclusive with previous legislation
- Still in full budget prep mode & trying to wrap up grants that can be closed in 2023
- Motion to pay bills 10.18.23:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y2 |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | YM |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Funding Administration Contract with Kleinfelder: This is a contract for Michelle Hister to be of assistance to us, for our grant management. Several projects we have gone with different engineering firms, and there are many parts that Michelle can assist with, if we can retain her services to maintain compliance. This is the most cost-effective way to work through processes going forward. Between 2023-2026 we currently have been awarded and have agreements in place for 12.7 million dollars’ worth of funding. This is a relatively short amount of time and we believe this will help us be much more successful. The contract is not to exceed $4000.00. Michelle will also work with office employees to teach “back office” practices. This will likely be an annual agreement and will be based on active workload. The other thing to mention is because of the amount of grant dollars that we have successfully acquired there will be different provisions within our audit. Fitzcharles believes Hister will be a huge asset to have in our pocket.
- Motion to approve Funding Administration Contract with Kleinfelder:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y2 |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Auxiliary/Reserve police codified update: Lance asked what our level of liability is. Matt Krill responded that it is the same level of reliability as a regular employee, and will be working alongside other officers. It is no different than other voluntary positions in the Village.
- Motion to give 1st reading to Ordinance No 1127:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | YM |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y |
Wallace, Chuck | Y2 |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
Council Discussion:
Councilman Gruver questioned if the trees that were recently planted were going to be staked. Chuck Wallace said that is no longer the standard.
Gruver also asked Mayor Day to remind of the Trick or Treat schedule. Day stated that townwide Trick or Treat AND Trunk or Treat will be on Tuesday, October 31st from 5-7pm. Trunk or Treat is located in front of TH3. Wallace has had multiple people tell him that these events should be the weekend before or after Halloween, instead of on a weekday. Mayor Day informed Council that the Chamber wanted to try something different and he’s all for trying things out.
- Motion to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee under ORC 121.22(G)(1) @ 5:58PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | YM |
Bowsher, Lance | Y |
VanAusdale, Leslie | Y2 |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
- Motion to exit executive session @ 6:24PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0
No action taken.
- Motion to adjourn at 6:24PM:
Blinzler, Sharon | Y |
Gruver, Jason | Y |
Bowsher, Lance | Y2 |
VanAusdale, Leslie | YM |
Wallace, Chuck | Y |
Wampler, Pam | Y |
Motion PASSES 6-0